Never Happened

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Don't play song yet~

Song : Heavy


Sorry for the long week of nothing! Had no internet!!!!



~[Y/n]'s POV~

Travis, Jake, and I walked onto the ship. My hand was intertwined with Travis's, while he carried Jake on his shoulders. I smiled to Travis, who looked to be overwhelmed with the news. Gina and Garroth walked up to us. They to were holding hands and smiling.

"Heya strangers! How was the doctors appointment, and why dose Travis look like he's about to pass out?"

Questioned Gina. I knew that if I told Gina she would freak out, and maybe even kill Travis....should I? I sighed, biting my lip.

"I may or may not be having....a...a...umm"

I rubbed the back of my neck, at a loss for words.

"Having a what?"

Asked Garroth, who looked worried. I was about to say it when Jake beat me to it.


I felt my face go pale, as I saw Gina's eyes widen, and her hands turn into fists. I gulped as she stormed off the boat.


"Wait Gina!"


She yelled in a dark demonic voice. Her eyes turned all black, as tiny particles started to come from  her body. Her cloths changing into a midnight black knee high strap-less dress. She also held a black sword in her hand. I wasn't really surprised, I have seen her do this once before. But the boys on the other hand were freaking out.

"Travis is the baby's dad!"

She immediately changed back into her normal happy self. She ran back up the ship and straight to Aphmau. They talked for a little bit before an ear shattering high pitched squeal came from the two girls. Well they're happy about this.

"So why did Gina turn into that dark demon thing?"

Asked Garroth, he looked as if he seen a ghost. I rolled my eyes.

"Well Aaron is her brother, right? And that makes her and Aaron ancestors of  Shad. So that means that Gina had to develop some sort of power,"

Garroth nodded, looking back to Gina.

"I'm never getting her mad....EVER!"

I laughed, going to my room. It's been a long day, and it was now dark out.


Time skip : Three Months


~ Travis's POV~

I awoke to the sunlight that was leaking threw the curtains of the window. We have been home for a good three months now. And [Y/n] and I are still getting used to the fact that she literally has a human inside her. I turned to face [Y/n]. Her sleeping face making me smile. I felt my hand move on its own. I watched as it landed on [Y/n]'s stomach. I smiled, seeing how she has grown to the point not just I will notice. I moved out of bed, carful not to awake [Y/n].

The Ones Who Wonder {Travis x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now