Too hard of a Goodbye

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Being met with an empty spot beside him had him sitting up and looking around. He yawned out his tiredness and stood up to brush his teeth. Ready to get dressed, he pulled out a black shirt, black denim skinny jeans, and his signature blue hoodie until he heard a commotion downstairs. Jarred from what he was currently doing, he quickly slipped his clothes on and jogged his way downstairs, towards the living room to where he thought the commotion had taken place, or could possibly still be taking place. He walked in to find Evan stuffing clothes into what looked like a backpack and a broken vase beside him. He peeked over his shoulder to get a better view but what he saw shocked him. Evan was packing his things. "What are you doing?" He cautiously asked, causing Evan to jump up and look at him with widened eyes. "Jon, I-" "Are you packing your bags? Where are you going?" Jon interrupted.

"I'm sorry but, this isn't going to work out" Evan mumbled out lowly, seemingly in the verge of tears


"I'm sorry about your vase; I was going to clean it up and leave you some money for a new one before I left.."

Jonathan was beyond shocked and taken aback. Evan and him had always been in a healthy relationship, or so he thought. To him, nothing was wrong between them.

"Evan, tell me you're joking. You're joking, right? Is your channel gonna be about pranks now?" He chuckled nervously, but Evan only shook his head and frowned, "No Jonathan." "No no, why?! What did I do? Tell me!" He shook his head vigorously and pleaded to his now soon to be ex. Evan ruffled his hair and bit his lip, "It's not you, It's m-" "No! Don't bullshit me with that, Evan!" Jonathan interrupted and pushed him back. He jabbed a finger accusingly at his hard chest and scowled, newfound tears making their way down his now damp cheeks, to his chin. "I love you! You love me! What is the issue here?!" He choked out, covering his now wet face with the sleeves of his sweater. Evan frowned and grabbed his wrist, pulling his hands away from his face and using his thumb to wipe the smaller male's tears. "Jonathan-", "Don't touch me!" He screamed and pushed Evan away, having him hit a wall. Evan stood still, staring as his ex broke down in front of him. Jonathan was hitting and throwing things and occasionally, some flew over to the bigger male. "Jonathan you need to calm down! Listen to me!" He hurriedly made his way over to the sobbing man and held his smaller frame in an embrace. The other pounded at his back in an attempt to be let go but soon obliged and buried his face in the Canadian's hard muscled chest, his form drooped down weakly. The tears made their way onto Evan's shirt, soaking the soft fabric, but Evan paid no mind. "Evan." his voice, muffled and cracked, caught Evan's attention. He hummed in response and glanced at the quivering male in his arms, who was clinging on to him like his life depended on it. And it did. In fact, his whole universe depended on it. "Why are you doing this..?" Jonathan finally looked up, his eyes red and swollen from all the crying he had been doing just now. Evan looked away and sighed, "Jonathan, you've changed so much since we first met. You're not the same." He mumbled and shortly turned back to face the electric blue eyes he once was head over heels for; Hell, he still was. Jonathan clutched his shirt in his hands and furrowed his brow, "Tell me how. I'll change!" he sniffed, "I swear.." his voice lowered to a whisper as he leaned his forehead on Evan's chest once again. He listened to his steady heartbeat and felt his every breath when his chest elevated every time he inhaled. The only response he ever got was silence, and Jonathan knew then, that there was no changing his mind; That it was over for them; It was over for him. He pulled away from his warmth, never making eye contact with his love, but with the ground. Inhaling a deep shaky breath, Jonathan looked up, tears threatening to make their way out once again. He almost broke down right then and there; On Evan's face was a look he detested. He wished it was guilt or regret, but all he saw was pity and a bit of something he didn't quite recognize. "I'm sorry." He whispered, but Jonathan never responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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Too hard of a Goodbye *H2OVanoss OneShot*Where stories live. Discover now