McDonalds Moment

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I have just moved into a flat in L.A. I don't really know my way around yet and I don't really know anyone, since it was an impulse decision when I had enough of shitty British weather.

"Yes, Mum, I'm just getting food now." I say as I sit down in McDonalds with my chicken and chips.

"Have you made any friends yet?" My Mum asks from the other end of the phone.

"No Mum, jeez! I've only been here for a few hours, it's not nursery school."

"Okay, okay, well I hope you're settling in okay. I'll phone you tomorrow, bye love." And with that we both hang up.

"Hey, I know it's rude to listen in to people's conversations, but I heard you don't know anyone here? I could show you around if you want? I'm not busy today." A random guy asks me.

"Aw thanks! I would love that, just let me buy you some chips first," I tell him while giggling.

He is one hot man, definitely my type. Tattoos, piercings, blonde strike in his hair. Perfection.

"Oh and I didn't even introduce myself, I'm Luke."

"Cute name, I'm Freya."

"Your name is cuter," he says with a grin and a wink. "I'm 19 by the way."

"I'm 18, I just live in a flat, I'm looking for a job here."

"Great, maybe I could help you. Anyway, come on, we've got a lot to see."

The warm air hits me as we walk out of McDonalds. I really don't want this moment to end. We hardly know each other, but somehow, I feel comfortable with him.

"So yeah, I guess that was L.A." Luke says once we've almost been around half of L.A.

"That was fun. Thanks so much, I hope we can meet up again some time."

"Yeah I'd love to, here's my number if you want?"

Is he kidding? Of course I want his number!

"Well I'll see you around."

We both kinda awkwardly stand there until Luke says "Well my house is that way, bye."

Then he walks off.

I lay awake that night, wondering what might happen in the morning. Will he have text me? I am starting to think that maybe he was just having a bit of fun for the day, he wouldn't want to see me again.

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