Shooting Star

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When the food and drinks arrive the boys cheer. I am a little bit nervous as I have never really had a lot of alcohol. Sure, I've had a beer or two, but I've never really got 'drunk'.

"What do you want to drink Freya?" Luke asks.

"Um, I don't really mind. Just whatever," I say, slightly panicking that I don't know what I like.

"I'm guessing you've never really drunk a lot before?" Luke questions.

"Wow, is it that easy to tell?!" I say, half joking, half serious.

Luke laughs, "If you don't want to drink you don't have to."

"But you better get used to it baby," Beau shouts.

"No I'm fine, I'll just have a few," I decide.

Jai passes beers around and puts the pizza in the middle of the circle type thing we've all made outside the tent. I take one and Luke opens it for me. Before I put my first slice of pizza in my mouth, Luke puts his head in front of mine and takes a bite.

"Luke you little shit!" I shout.

"Sorry babe, I am hungry," He pouts.

"Get your own slice!" I tell him and jokingly slap him on the arm.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Beau smiling, he's happy for us both, even though nothing is going on between us yet.

My first beer turns into my second, and my second turns into my third, and before I know it, you and all the boys are pretty pissed.


A splitting headache became apparent to me when I woke up suddenly. Sunlight was seeping through the material of the tent and I could feel myself burning up at the heat.

Slowly turning my head to the left, I caught sight of Luke, cuddled up beside me. It felt so good to be close to him, so I didn't move away.

Skip was laying sideways at mine and Luke's feet. I looked over at him, and he was staring at you.

"Freya?" He whispered.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Just wondering if you're awake."

I heard a mumble coming from beside me and I turned back to Luke.

"Morning beautiful," Luke said to me, in his raspy morning voice, which is sexy as fuck.

"Hey Luke, are you okay?" I asked, wondering if he has a headache as bad as mine.

"Yeah, just a bit of a sore head, I suppose we all would, considering how much we drunk last night," he chuckled. "But you're probably worst, since you're not used to this."

"Yeah, what happened last night anyway?" I ask slowly.

"You striped off and tried to have sex with me," Luke said giggling.

I was totally stunned and didn't know what the fuck to say.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Luke burst out laughing, "you should have seen your face!"

"Oh my god Luke!" I jokingly slapped him on the arm, "I was so worried there you dick."

"Nah you just flirted and fell and stuff, nothing too embarrassing." Luke said, still chuckling.

"Nothing too embarrassing? That's pretty bad. What was I saying?" I really wanted to know.

"I don't know, I don't really remember." He said smiling.

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