chapter three

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As your eyes opened, the first thing you noticed was the steady, strong beat of Bellamy's heart.  You turned your head and saw him staring at you, almost as if he was trying to memorize your face.

"Hey beautiful." He whispered. A smile crept across his face. The sunlight hit his freckles and he looked goddamn perfect.

"Bell." You replied softly. You were the only one who could call him that and get away with it. Bellamy sat up and gently placed your head in his lap.

"Don't try to sit up yet, love. You lost a lot of blood." The older boy said. You usually would have pushed him off and stood anyway, but your mind, usually so sharp, was blurry from the anesthesia and you weren't sure if you could stand without fainting again. The two of you sat in silence as the effects of the anesthetic wore off, and Bellamy played with your hair. The fresh outside air brought back life into your veins, and Bell made you drink some water.

As far as boyfriends go, you had won the lottery. You loved the way his hair felt between your hands when you kissed him, the way he always knew what to say, and how he teased you and touched you and looked at you with that goofy grin- god, you were lucky. Bellamy was sexy and confident and tasted like home. You knew he was on your side.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be? I'm sure lots of people need an audience with the rebel king," You teased as you climbed into his lap and straddled him. "You can go, Bell. I'll be fine." Bellamy smiled as he cupped your face with his hands, then kissed your forehead, the tip of your nose, and finally, your lips. Fuck. Bellamy Blake was the only thing that could make you this weak-well, him and that god damn arrow. A small moan escaped your mouth, and he smiled.

"I'm not leaving you, Y/N. Ever." And you knew it was true.

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