Chapter 4

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Carmen entered a path on the edge of Greenwood the town they live in that is near the ocean this path is said to lead to the fountain of love.

She started walking down the path after lunch time and ran into the fact that she needed hiking shoes so she headed back to her house to get her hiking shoes.

She came back to the trail and started walking on it was rocky and the rocks were slick because it just rained.

She walked 15 miles with a pack with supplies and set up her tent and got out her sleeping bag and camped out that night.

The next day after packing up her stuff started up the path towards the fountain of love it started raining but luckily Carmen had a raincoat in her coat pocket she had a picture of Lillian before she left she told Lillian were she was going.

She walked 10 miles before resting on a rock and looking at Lillian's picture before walking another 10 miles and setting up camp because she knew she only had 5 more miles to go.

The next day she walked the last 5 miles and found the fountain of love and took out her water bottle in filled it up.

Then she hiked 49 miles back to her house and went to sleep and had a nightmare about a blood red ghost chasing her so she woke up in sweat.

Carmen drunk the love fountains water in the goddess Aphrodite intered her body in was now in control of Carmen who was now 18.

Aphrodite/Carmen went to the courthouse in changed Carmen's name to Helen her last name used to be Harmony but Aphrodite changed it to Banks her middle name used to be Ursula but Aphrodite changed it to Lucy.

Then Aphrodite/Helen Lucy Banks broke up with Lillian and drove to Ohio the state three states over and bought a lovely mansion because before she left she married a millionaire man and they bought this genuine white marble mansion.

The inside of the genuine white marble mansion was all but the furniture and flat screen T.V was made out genuine crystal glasses tables chairs chandeliers and much more.

Aphrodite/Helen Lucy Gordon now because of marriage Aphrodite wanted more stuff and children from Jonathan Gordon her husband he bought her Jewels,gold,dresses,perfumes and shoes.

Aphrodite/Helen Gordon and Jonathan Gordon had twins named Jeremy and David Gordon then with Aphrodite's doing she made Jonathan have an affair with her so she would keep the house,money and children so it was a win for Aphrodite/Helen Banks she changed it back to her surname.

Aphrodite/Helen Banks got remarried to a nice middle class named Larry Burton she decided to not change her last name she gave half of her money out to charity and she bought her children clothes for the next 5 years.

Aphrodite was getting tired of the body she was in so she made Helen Banks commit suicide.

Lillian found out about Helen's suicide she went to the love fountain she went to 10 years ago and filled a bottle full of the Fountain of Love's magical water and drank it once she got home in Aphrodite took control of her body.

Aphrodite liked Lillian's full name so she kept it and started dating the head football player Josh.

Josh was blond with blue eyes he was very muscular and handsome but he also had brains which Lillian wasn't used to.

Why Aphrodite wasn't use to a jock being smart is because 50 years ago when she took over Lillian's mom Susan the jock that Susan married was dumb but handsome.Aphrodite wanted Lillian to marry this joke because Lilian's Light brown hair with his blond hair would make adorable dirty blonde twin girls.

Aphrodite looked into her future in seen this so she came out of Lillian's body but since she was the love goddess she was making sure they didn't break up.Zeus asked for help because Hera was grumpy because he knocked up another mortal woman so Aphrodite helped Hera be even more in love with Zeus.

Zeus thanked Aphrodite for helping him with Hera so he let her do whatever she wants for 5 centuries.She was going to have fun messing with people's love life which she's allowed to do whenever she wants but for 5 centuries she'll get to do it by controlling people without the help of the love fountain so she destroyed it with her goddess powers.

Hades heard this at the Winter Solstice Countal of the gods which Aphrodite was in he was infuriated and did the unthinkable he killed Josh who was suppose to die when he was 90 years old Zeus told him to never do that again Aphrodite found Lillian someone else to love and get married to Josh's best friend Stupid but handsome named Larry.

Persephone,Hades wife loved him even though she hid it from her mother during Spring and Summer her mother is Demeter the Goddess of harvest and Agriculture giver of food or grain.Persephone is the Goddess of Spring,Queen of the Underworld when she's there and she knows that her mom thanks she hates it but she loves it and everyone there.Sometimes she misses being with her mom but she misses her husband and friends in the Underworld most of all.

Apollo delivered a letter to Aphrodite from Hephaestus her ex-husband asking why she hasn't visited him in 3 weeks she wrote him back that she was busy with work and that she will visit him that weekend. He was married to Aphrodite; after he learned his wife had an affair with her brother, Ares, he devised a plan with which he humiliated both lovers to the other gods.

Ares was planning a huge war in North Korea and South Korea and make them kill their evil king and make it just Korea with a democracy in a leader that isn't so strict. Athena is the goddess of wisdom she helped a Ares strategically plan the way he was going to turn the people against their evil king.

Artemis sent out her hunters to search for a huge wild boar that got loose near camp Half-Blood.Athena helps Artemis and her Hunters plan to catch the wild boar and put it in it's natural habitat which is in Tartarus. Ares was planning the huge wild boar to give them a fight which they wanted.

Zeus was angry that Ares was making the wild boar fight but since Artemis wanted to let her Hunters have a challenge Zeus let it slide. Hera was mad that Zeus let Ares slide that Zeus let Ares make the wild boar fight. Aphrodite had to help Zeus again with Hera and helped Hera calm down.

Zeus was planning a goldy ball for his wife Hera and other gods were able to come to the godly ball it's theme was peacocks and gold themed.Hera was still mad that Zeus let Ares slide that Zeus let Ares make the wild boar fight. But she was also happy that he thought about her and made a godly ball after her symbol a peacock it was so sweet of Zeus.

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