Stolen Dance

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Stolen Dance - A Sashay One-Shot

I want you by my side, so that I never feel alone again,

The masquerade ball hosted by the showrunner herself, Marlene King, was at full swing when a gorgeous woman in her late twenties had arrived in her red dress with a matching mask. Her brown hair was curled and had reached her shoulder. She held her accessory in her right hand, her left clutching her purse as she scanned the room, searching for the most beautiful pair of blue eyes she saw in her entire life.

There she was. A blonde young woman in her early twenties, talking to a brunette, while a tall man had his arm possessively wrapped around her waist. The man was dumb enough to not wear a mask in a masquerade ball, had the tall brunette lost her manners, she would've laughed and called him names.

But Shay, the smitten newly arrived guest, knew she was better than that man. She did not cause scenes at such events or places, granted, even in slums she could not act like this oaf. The scenes she made were strictly business only, if not considered art.

She was better than that man. In more ways than one. She couldn't even begin to comprehend why she chose him, when she gave everything she could. But Shay did not hold grudges. She could not use that excuse in argument. She understood why the blonde had to leave her. Perhaps they were never meant to be.

She should be furious. Angry. Disappointed. Disgusted even. But she could not bring herself to feel anything for the blonde except love.

Because even after all this time; and all their wars; and all she's done, she still needed her like the air she breathed.

She wished she had her arm around her, not his.

She wished she'd come with her, not with him. 

She wished she was by her side, and not by the man she hated the most.

She hated feeling this way, but she had no choice. There was so little she could do to keep herself from loving her. Even though she could only stare from a distance, she would do it, just so she wouldn't feel alone.

She wanted to wrap her arms around her, sniff her hair, kiss her. Look into her eyes and tell her she loved her.

Little did Shay know that by doing this, by torturing herself, she was feeling much more lonelier with each passing second.

They've always been so kind, but now they brought you away from me,

Shay knew the reason why Sasha, the blonde girl she so desperately loved, had to pick him over her.

Her father is about to die and his last wish is to walk his daughter up that aisle and hand her over to Hudson, the oaf. He wanted her to get married in a church, he wanted a priest to marry her and him, he wanted God to be their witness.

Shay was a secret. The sick father, Derek, is very religious. Sasha knew revealing Shay to her parents is like a suicide mission. She loved Shay with all her heart but she had no choice but to break up with her if she wanted to fulfill her father's last wishes. Fortunately enough, Hudson, who had been relentlessly hitting on her was present and was more than happy to "marry Sasha and start a little family" Tsk. The oaf. He didn't even question the suddenness of Sasha's decision to be with him and marry him.

Even though she introduced herself as Sasha's "friend", Shay actually had the chance to meet and get along with Derek and his wife. She found them extremely nice but she never thought that they would cause the love of her life to leave her.

I hope they didn't get your mind, your heart is too strong anyway,

Shay had eventually started mingling and chatting with her friends, getting some wine, and politely greeting people she did not recognize. Soon, she found herself invited to a banquet table with some of her friends, Ashley and Troian, along with her husband, Patrick. She accepted their invitation, actually quite glad she could rest her feet finally. Shay was not aware of the other occupants though.

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