Birthday Special

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A/N: Today is my birthday so I decide to make a birthday special. I'll make sure to make a birthday special for the one shots too but for now I'll just make this birthday special. Hope you'll enjoy this birthday special.

Today is my birthday and I'm happy! I woke up early than usual. One thing that was on my mind was that Hoseok was acting different. Every time I ask him out he'll always sat that he's busy. I mostly spend my time with the girls or EXO. Since today is special for me I made pancakes. I ate, got ready, wrote a note for Hoseok, and left to see my eomma. My real eomma that's in prison. I went to the police station and ask them if I can see my eomma. They allow me and I saw my mother. Her expression changed from last time.

"Eomeoni today's my birthday."
"I know..." Her voice changed.

"How's your life here?"
"It's horrible but I deserve it. It's my fault for doing that to you and Jae Bum. Mianhae...Mianhae (Y/N)...Jebal forgive me." Her voice cracked.
"After your appa left us I just can't handle my sadness. I let my sadness control over me. Jebal forgive me (Y/N) for all these years."
"I forgive you umma. You didn't mean to in the first place right?" A tear slipped.
"Ne...Mianhae (Y/N)!!!" She cried on me.

I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back. I can hear footsteps coming to our direction. I look to see who it is.

"Jae Bum?"
"Noona happy birthday. Eomeoni here appa gave it to me and told me to give it to you when he died. I didn't have time cause you kept abusing me." He handed a locket to umma.
"Mianhae Jae Bum. Jebal forgive me." She hug the locket to her heart.
"I forgive you eomma. Han Bi treats us well so you don't have to worried."
"That's good but..."
"When I'm release I have no one to take me in."
"Han Bi can take you in umma. I talked to her about it and she said it was fine and you can change to make your life better. No matter what happens you're still my eomma like before."

My words reach her and she hug me and Jae Bum together. We stay like that for 10 minutes.

"Thank you (Y/N), Jae Bum for everything." She smiled.

*Hoseok's POV*

I woke up and I can hear sizzling. I smell the air. Mm~ Pancakes~! I hear the door open and close twice. I guess (Y/N) left. Well that save me time today. I got up and got ready for school. I'm glad the principle gave us a day off and allow me to throw a surprise birthday party for (Y/N). We're making (Y/N) do 3 quest and surprise her when she comes in the gym. Afterwards I take everyone and (Y/N) to my house for a pool party. That's where we're celebrating (Y/N)'s birthday. I grabbed my bag and put in our swimsuits. I ate (Y/N)'s pancakes and man it was delicious as always. I looked at the note she gave me.

Oppa I went out early to
see my eomma. You better hangout
once in a while oppa. I'm not sure if
its your family's company or something
but I'm lonely without you. It breaks my
heart. Take a break okay oppa. Saranghaeyo oppa!

Aww...At least she cares for me. I texted everyone to grab everything for today. EXO said they just finish the poster and sign for (Y/N). I went to the school gym to check everything. Everyone got here one by one and began setting up. We're mostly setting up for the dance which is in 2 weeks.

"How is it going Hoseok?" The principle asked.
"It's going very well Mr.Tuan. I hope (Y/N) like this."
"Good and I hope she does. Is everyone ready?!" He shouted.
"YES!" Everyone said.
"Everyone get in your place before (Y/N) comes and EXO put the signs up!" I said.

"Yes!" Then they left.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I came to school but there wasn't anyone outside or inside. I came inside and there was a sign for me. It was a quest. I like always quest ever since I was little so quests was always my favorite thing to do.

Welcome (Y/N)! There is 3 quest you have to complete to get your prize. First of all we knew you'll be going to school with your uniform on so there's a change of clothes to change into right now. After that your quest starts. Here's the first one. A colorful place where you like to enjoy and relaxed. There's a meaning behind everything on there.

I change into the clothes that I suppose to wear. A colorful place...Hm...Where's that? A colorful place where I can enjoy and relax. Art is the only thing that helps me enjoy and relax other than music so that might be it. I better check it out. A sign was on the art door.

Fantastic job! Here's the second one! A room with talents that everyone likes. They show their hard work. Once you arrived there play your favorite and go to your next quest.

Talents that everyone likes? I remember that people kept saying that some people have talents in music. The music room must be it. My favorite? Wait! Favorite as in favorite song! My favorite song is Taeyang "Wedding Dress!" I rush to the music room and played the piano.

I finish and the last quest was on the guitar.

Last one! A place where you can relax and skip classes cause you're over there.

The rooftop! I ran over there and jumped on the fence. A toy helicopter came with the last note.

You completed all your quest. Your prize is held in the gym.

I jumped down  to the gym. I opened it and my eyes widened. "Happy Birthday (Y/N)!!!" Everyone said. I started to tear up.

"Yah jagi don't cry."
"Oppa you did this?"
"Ne I want to surprise you on your birthday so that's why I said I was busy."
"OMG!!! Oppa thanks."
"It's not over yet. Come on let's go to my house for a pool party."

I slightly nodded and went to Hoseok's house. I changed into the swimsuits that Hoseok gave me. Everyone was happy and it was time for my birthday cake.

Saengi Chukhahamnida
Saengi Chukhahamnida
Saranghaneun (Y/N)
Saengi Chukhahamnida

I blow out the candles and everyone cheered. A few minutes later everyone went back to what they were doing. Hoseok came up to me and kiss me.

"Happy Birthday (Y/N). Saranghaeyo. You make me begin from the start."

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