Fairy Tales

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James's POV:

Silently sitting in my favourite corner in the library, I turned the pages of my book, sinking into the storyline. Thomas's familiar voice humming in the background. Words and pages and thoughts filled my head blocking out the outside world. These character's lives were perfect. The guy got the girl, the bad guy was defeated and they lived happily ever after. Not in reality. I thought. An uneasy grin stretched across my face laughing at how unrealistic this was. "Hey, James, you alright?" Thomas came towards me. He sat down in front of me with his hand on my shoulder. Confused, I glanced up at him with a broken smile and tear rolling down my cheeks. Was I seriously crying? What the hell is wrong with me?  "Hah James, the loser crybaby." I snapped out of my thoughts as Alex walked by laughing. Thomas stared him dead in the eyes with a look that said, Fuck. Off. Hercules and Lafayette slowly followed behind him shaking their heads in disagreement with Alex's proud face.  I hated that. I hated him. Alexander teased me all the time. Whenever stressful things happen, I become emotionless. Like a freaking rock sitting silently on the floor while people pointed and laughed at it. Well joke's on them. I thought. These idiots are laughing at a rock. Alex proceeded to walk away like that was the best insult in history. "Come on," Thomas cringed after Alex. "We don't need to be around losers like him." He helped me up, I smiled and blushed. He smiled back. I stood up leaning against him, wiping away my tears. Over five emotions rushed past me and suddenly they were gone. My smile faded away, and more thoughts clouded my mind. Thomas was saying something but I couldn't concentrate on the real world. Suddenly, more worries hit me in the head. Everything outside my brain was blurry and then faded to black. Thank God Thomas is with me. My mind buzzed. Thomas. He was in reality, he was with me. More thoughts hit me, and a migraine was suddenly creeping up the back of my skull. And I'm not there with him...

My vision came back and with a loud gasp of air I was back, in the real world, next to him. Everyone in that hallway stopped chatting with their friends and stared at us. At me. Silence ringed in my ears. I heard Alex whisper something to Lafayette. As Alex laughed, Lafayette stared back at him with a confused/disgusted/annoyed look. Hercules punched Alex in the arm and walked by them back down the hallway. Alex, rubbing his shoulder, said something to Lafayette and followed Hercules with thunder in his footsteps. Then, everyone casually started chatting amongst themselves like nothing happened. "Let's go, please." I demanded. Thomas nodded and smiled, helping me down the hallway as my feet were still adjusting being back to reality.

Alex's POV:

"Mulligan!" My footprints carried through the hall way chasing after him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He called back, the question echoing through the hallway. "I-" I stopped to think about what I was going to say. Hercules was already to the end of the hallway before I could say anything. I crossed my arms and stormed down the other hallway to get to my  next class.

 I cringed and internally screamed. Thomas Jefferson. I glared at him and his little boyfriend sitting in my spot. Thomas caught my glare, put his arm around Madison and stuck his tongue out at me. You freaking... He knows. He damn right knows thats where I sit. Where the hell am I suppose to go now?  I frantically glanced across the room and spot an empty seat near the window. I dragged my notebooks along side me and sat in a new seat. That sounded weird, new seat. I don't like that. A rush of anger pulsed through me. No one takes my stuff that easily. I was about to jump up and shout when I noticed someone sat down next to me. I flinched, and didn't stand up. There was something about him, something different. I stopped, realizing I was staring at him weirdly. I'm not fucking gay. I thought to myself, but looking at him made me think otherwise. "Um, hi?" The stranger awkwardly asked. "Can I help you." I quickly cleared my throat, not realizing I was blushing. I couldn't say anything, I sat back in my seat, sheepishly avoiding eye contact. I heard him giggle. What the hell does that mean? Does he like me? Do I like him??? Too many thoughts came into my head, but quickly vanished as Mr. Washington began the class.

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