Prism hates amusement parks

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Prism: Amusement Parks. I swear...*shudders*

Gwen: What's wrong with them? Are you scared or something?

Prism: It's not that I'm afraid of them. I'm not like those kids who scream every time they see a clown--not like they aren't terrifying themselves in their own right, but you's not like I yell bloody murder when I walk into McDonalds.

"Back away Ronald! I'm not loving it today nor will I ever! I just want my Happy Meal!"

Gwen: You probably just haven't been to the best ones.

Prism: Pssh! I'll admit when I was still living in France, every time I heard about Walt Disney or saw some cute couple go on the Ferris wheel on tv, I was crazy about it. Heck, I used to pretend to go out on a date with my chew toy and then run around in circles in the yard to pretend I was in the gravitron with it.

Gwen: Seriously--

Prism: *sarcasm* Yeah, my taste in men is amazing isn't it? His name was Tony. ^^

Gwen: *laughs*

Prism: So, I begged my dad like heck to take me to an Amusement Park. Every second it was "pwease Daddy".

Gwen: Didn't he work a lot back then?

Prism: He did. I'd wake up at 3 A.M. in the morning, call him and just say "pwease Daddy?" It drove him insane. I even coincidentally called him when he was in the middle of fighting some other monster. He really had a rough time with work that day. I'd even guilt trip him with the whole "you don't love me" trick. I even went as low as to say "I tell mommy to get child support".

Gwen: and what did your mom think of all this?

Prism: Oh, she enjoyed it. Never backed dad up, she just sat there and watched. You know why I'm so good with my puppy dog eyes and begging skills? Yeah, I get that from her. I was her puppy dog eyeing successor of the begging throne. "No" did not exist in that house unless Mom said so herself. The men didn't run house, WE ran the house.

Gwen: Wow...

Prism: I mean don't get me wrong--Mom took her mothering job seriously. She always wanted me to experience things at an early age. Especially the swear words that way I knew what I meant and know not to say it compared to hearing it from Tash and accidentally yell "shut the fuck up" to the kids talking in the library.

Gwen: Oh my gods xD

Prism: But that's a different story. So, eventually my dad gave up and took me to Thorpe Park in London--because, apparently British people and Americans are like twin sisters when it comes to tourists. One is good with their fabulous culture and beautiful, accented males who treat you better than Kanye does to Kim. Then the other is like trying to look good when you realize they're a doucebag and that most of the restaurants have an ancient civilization of bugs inside.

Gwen: Some analogy there...

Prism: of the free my tail. Anyways! I had fun at Thorpe Park, the food was good, the rides were amazing, besides the fact my dad was like a bear interrupted during hibernation the entire three day stay. I felt bad for mom because, she was trying to brighten up the fact that they just lost half of their retirement savings just to make their little girl happy.

Gwen: That must've been a lot of money.

Prism: Oh, it got worse after I moved to America. I was wondering why dad was so cranky during my experience, but I finally understood when mom finally took me and my little siblings to Disney World in Florida. All my hopes and dreams I had as in innocent, carefree six year old DIED in that moment I walked into that death trap. It was 110 degrees outside in the middle of July and we were waiting in line for nearly FOUR hours.

Gwen: my gods...

Prism: Even Nebula was cranky and she can't even feel temperatures! I bought like a duffel bag full of books since Nebula is a book worm, so her and I could be occupied while waiting. In those four hours we finished reading the entire series of Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Twilight, Vampire Academy and even Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Gwen: *laughs* holy hell....are you for real?

Prism: I even stole my Aunt's copy of 50 Shades of Gray. We were bored and hot out of our minds, we didn't care what we read. Books went by faster than that Mickey Mouse clock at the gift store. Briar Rose didn't even want to go, she wanted to stay home and listen to My Chemical Romance, System of a Down while writing her "eternal darkness" poetry.

Gwen: Is Bri goth or something?

Prism: She might be if she was obsessed with Edgar Allen Poe at age three. Now her closet looks like Hot Topic and a Funeral home mixed together. Wouldn't be surprised if she asked mom for a piercing when she turns ten. Freaking kids these days....

Gwen: Okay, continue the story.

Prism: Right. So, we finally get in and every bit of it was not as magical as I imagined it. We wasted another two-three hours waiting in line for various rides Ash and Rowan wanted to go on. Holly was pretty much satisfied, she just wanted to see the Princesses and that was it. Cinderella and the other Princesses gave Holly a non fake tiara, a make over--that was it basically. It was my brothers who were making my week hell because, they kept wanting to go on rides while running around like Jack when he sang "What's this?" In that Tim Burton movie. When we got home...we were so broke. *laughs* We've only been in America for one month and we already blew all the money we were saving for my siblings' college funds.

Gwen: and that's why you don't like amusement parks.

Prism: it's a waste of time and it's just another way to bribe people out of their money. I wouldn't take my daughter there--if I had an eight year old or if Genesis was still alive and she asked me if we could go to Disney World. I would just give her a Princess costume plus $500 and say "go make dreams come true. Get whatever you want--I don't even care if you bought home a pony or Doctor Strange. Go make your dreams a reality."

Gwen: *laughing*

Prism: "Mommy isn't doing that sweetie, mommy wants her dreams to come true too. Mommy wants to be in Hawaii with daddy" *pretends to cry* "Mommy wants to be a princess too!"

Gwen: *still laughing*

Prism: *in a high pitched voice* "Mommy, I don't have a Prince..." *in normal voice* "Go ask your father. He was your Santa, he can be your Prince Charming too. Just bring him back before midnight, Mommy needs him in bed for work tomorrow."

Gwen: *still laughing* Oh my gods....I can't even....

Prism: I just really hate amusement parks. Seriously, I do not find the appeal. I guess I'm more of an outdoorsy gal.

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