chapter 20013

14 3 1

The next day August 3rd Tuesday morning in Port Charles at the lake house
Sonny was on the phone with Spencer yes Spencer I will be there to pick you up
No I am not going to you what happened last night because it is
Nunof your business goodbye  how are you asked Sonny I'm fine replied Alexis
They kissed I have to take Spencer to work then I will be back alright said Alexis
He walked out the door well I guess we should call your sisters said Alexis
There was a nock at the door she answered it is Tom what are you doing here
We need to talk OK but hi really don't have anything to say to you replied Alexis
I loved your daughter she was my wife my son loved her to did you respect her
She was in college this fall would have been her last year we talked about that
I would never ask her to give up anything for me  but she would said Alexis
Because she loved you and your son and because she loved you I can't hate you
I've decided to make my Peace with everything that has happened I am sorry you lost her and I lost her to and Alexis wyped a tear from her eye she was happy about the baby and a little worried but happy really she made you this DVD you can watch it
Later I better go I promised Logan we would go out to eat OK tell Logan that Molly loved him I will  said Tom

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