The Lion King

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Now they have officially started their adventure but what they didn't know was that lion land had a king and queen that would not let anyone past without impressing the king and queen.Which was a problem but Teresa loved animals and never left home without her animal book so she looked up how to make animals like you because she always wanted to have a wild pet panda and other pets to.When they got to lion land the girls were confused but Teresa knew exactly what to do and told the plan to Annelise,Veronica and Olivia.So After the girls all held up sticks with strings at the end of it and on the end of the string was a big fat juicy piece of meat and then altogether they said "if we give you these delicious ad yummy steaks will you let us past"
"Of course we will but if we're friends will you give us unlimited" the lion king asked
"Only if you let us through "Teresa said
"Well then that's a deal" the lion king said
And the gate opened and the lions got their steak and the adventurers moved on to the next land.Who knows what adventure is gonna come up next.They knew what was gonna come up but not in the right order. "So guys what do you think is going to come up next"Teresa asked
"I personally think tick tock time"Olivia says
"Well I thing cloud town"Annelise says
"Whoa whoa whoa it is definitely gonna be water world"says Veronica
So these adventures go on no one knows who will be wright and who will be wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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