Go Away Liam!

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She stood. Uniform ironed straight, hair pulled into a tight bun: she stood. Checking her phone quietly, sharing polite conversations with other students and the one elderly lady that was present every Tuesday -she was perfectly courteous in the peaceful environment of the afternoon bus wait. 

It was sudden. The peace was destroyed with a sunshine shattering holler,"Tierney! Watchu doing?". He jaywalked across the street. The school-based police officer ignored it -chatting with the on duty teacher. His lanky legs lifted from asphalt road and planted lightly on the gravel pathway.

She allowed him a light glare from over her glasses and returned to her peaceful afternoon. She tried to that is -she failed miserably. "Liam stop being an idiot and get away from the road!", she scolded him.

He smirked and leaned over her shoulder,"who're you texting Tierney tiny?". He leaned his elbow on her a little to prove his point.

The yellow of the bus rose over the uphill slope. Tierney shrugged her shoulder out from under his elbow, "go away Liam". She stepped onto the bus -pass in hand ready to be scanned.

Behind her Liam ruffled his fingers through his dark curly locks, an awkward smile plastered upon his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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