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Y/N pov

I cried,and cried
Bad day happend in his birthday.
Jeon Jungyeon.My Fiance.

He was otw to pick me up for his birthday dinner.
When he was on his on way, a car came towards him.
He been hit by car.
His car ruin so badly.
Blood everywhere.

When i was get ready for our dinner.
I got a call from his mother.
Her mother told me.
"y/n,come to **** hospital *cried*'
"why?something bad happen"i asked
"WHAT HAPPEND TO JUNGYEON?!"i scream loudly
i quickly hang up.

No this can't be happend.
My love.

I drive so fast to *** hospital.

-*** hospital-

"right know he having a sugery at level 8,you may wait at outside'-nurse
"thank you"-me

*level 8*

"y/n!"-hugged me
"how can this happend!?😭"-me

I dont want to lose someone that i loved again.
I can't let this happend to me again.
Im not strong enough to handle this feelings anymore.
8 years has passed.
The feelings fade away.
But,the feelings came into my heart again after 8 years.

"omma,the wedding is next week😭,why?! I dont want to lose him omma!"-me

"i also dont want to lose my son,lets pray for the best okay?"-omma

* 1 hour later*

Doctor came out from the sugery room.
I'm not ready.
Doctor facial expression looks sad.
I know the answer.

"im sorry,i can't save him, he lost so much blood and his head hit the ground so badly. Im sorry"- doctor

"no! Jeon Jungyeon why you need to go before omma and appa,don't you feel sad leaving us😭😭"-omma

"Jungyeon,you promise me not to leave me"- me

I lost him.

Flashed back

"yeobo,promise me something"-me


"don't leave me alone"-me

" i promise"-jungyeon


"honey,if i passed away don't cry okay? You know i love you right?"-Jungyeon

"yeobo, dont say like that"-me

"promise me"-jungyeon

"fine,i promise"-me


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