Chapter 2

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Alarm: beep Beep Beep!


My alarm woke me up. It was now Tuesday and our first day of activities. (we arrived on Sunday evening )

Yesterday was spent being shown around and having rules, safety Guides and how to put on a helmet plus other pieces of kit on, explained to us.

I got up, put my dressing gown on and plodded downstairs. No one was there

*even bigger groan*

That was my school alarm, I had forgotten to turn it off, it was 6:40.

I went back to bed and turned my alarms off.


My alarm started screeching at me and only got louder got louder.

I groaned as I rolled myself out of bed, I was still wearing my dressing gown.

I shoved some bread in the toaster and scooped up some butter from the butter tray. When it popped up, I buttered it and sat down at the empty table, seeing that Mel was that with some other girls.


I ate my toast quickly and returned to my room. I got dressed into black joggers and a burgandy t-shirt.

I grabbed my jumper, shoved it on and ran down the stairs, I wasn't in any particular hurry I just like to run down stairs.

Deal with it.

About five minutes later we set off in our groups to do our activities, we were doing the zip wire and swinging course 10. (there were 20 groups with 10 to 13 people in each group)

There was a waffle face, three different zip wires, a crawl net, and a blindfolded follow the Rope section.The activity session was an hour and a half long and ended up being really fun because we all kept messing about.

We were heading back to the house when I tripped over my laces, I was at the back of the group so nobody noticed. I stopped to tie my laces, which, took ages because they were slippery and muddy.I was lagging behind already and now I couldn't see them. I walked to the stile that was in the direction we were walking and went over it.

I still couldn't see them.

How long did it take to tie my laces?

I started to panic, I couldn't breathe properly and the hedges closed in on me.

I sat down and curled up in a ball by the hedge.

I was having another one of my panic attacks.


*Hi guys. Sorry, this was such a short chapter, it is really just a filler chapter.

And yes, I know, I ended the chapter on a cliffhanger. (You might want to expect quite a few of them)*

I Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


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