Breakeven 1

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Zoey's POV - 

"Dare" the word left my lips without me even giving it a second thought, but the smirk on Luke's face made me regret it instantly. I looked from Luke to everyone else that sat in our little Truth or Dare circle, the circle consisting of three girls - including myself - and five guys. 

"I dare you to kiss Styles" he said, loud and clear so there was no mistaking it. I couldn't help but laugh, he couldn't be serious. Everyone else was hardly even smiling as I sat there laughing. The truth was, Luke wasn't joking. He was being serious. Deadly serious. 

Usually a little game like this was harmless, but  every so often Harry Styles would turn up to a party and someone would get dared to do something either with him or to him. Now if it was any other guy it would have been fine, but Harry is known for his temper and how quickly he becomes impatient. Also known for making girls fall in love with him then laughing in their face before walking away and leaving them heartbroken. 

I knew this wouldn't ever happen to me 1. because i'm not known to fall in love 2. Styles only seems to go for pretty, dumb and overly confident girls. I wouldn't say i wasn't pretty, but i wasn't excessivly pretty, i wasn't dumb and i sure as hell wasn't over confident. Far from it actually. 

I pinched the brigde of my nose as i looked down at the wooden floor we were all sat on. "Luke my hate for you right now is increasing by the second" I mumbled as i begun standing up. I took one last sip of my Jack and Coke before heading over to Harry who was standing in the corner with some girl that didn't seem familiar - no surprise.

I was known for doing every dare i was given, mainly because i didn't see the point in playing if you were not going to play properly. As i got closer i rolled my eyes as Harry begun whispering into the girls ear with a smirk, she quickly turned looking at me before huffing and walking off. 

If i was sober, i would have questioned it and be a little confused. But i was far from sober, and honestly i didn't care much. The smirk on his face remained as i got closer, i stopped directly infront of him. His eyes were bloodshot green which meant he was probably just as drunk as me. My thoughts however will be less blury for me in the morning, unlike him.

His hands rested on my hips as he swayed forward. With a little stumble I pushed him lightly back against the wall my hands resting on his shoulders before they slid around to the back of his neck tilting his head down to press his lips to mine. It was quick, but it was a done. I could taste the alcohol on his lips as I pulled back arching a brow as i continued to look at him "It was only a dare" i said before turning and walking back to where the group were still sat. I reclaimed my spot and sat with a smile "Done" i said with a small shrug.

The smirk on Luke's face had disapeared, he had probably thought i wasn't going to do that because of the trouble i had always had with Harry. But it wasn't like it would be remembered in the morning, by him atleast.

I leaned back against the wall my eyes slowly closing as i listened to a few more rounds of truth or dare but after that i must have fallen asleep because before i knew it i could feel someones foot shoving against my thigh.

My eyes fluttered open as i looked up to see who was waking me up from my not-so-great sleep. It was Louis. "Zo, wake up. You need to wash, you reek" he said his nose crinkled as he looked down at me, i followed his gaze and heeved at the sight/smell. Some dumb ass had puke all down my jeans he moved around the room slowly with a black bin bag in his hand picking up a few cans. I groaned as the smell only got worse "This is so gross" I said as i stood up wiping my eyes taking a better look around. It took me a little less than 10 seconds to adjust to the light and realize where i was, i was at the frat house that Louis, Niall, Jack, Alex and Harry shared. I only really spoke to Louis, Niall and Alex only because the other two didn't seem to be there when i was. And honestly they didn't seem the type that i'd get along with - well i didn't get along with Harry much anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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