Demonia Chapter 10

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         It's been two months since Sandra died and I still can't get over it. I can barely eat and sleep. The rumor has spread around and people act like if they even cared for Sandra. Ramona was "crying" and she is was saying how much she missed Sandra when she is the one who made fun of her. My mom has tried to cheer me up and I'm grateful for that but, she can't even on how much she tries. My brother passes by my room looking at me like if he cared. He didn't even ask if I was okay after the little door incident. I came home the day Sandra had died and he looked at me with his head hanging down like if he knew what was going on. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door and I decided to let them in. I was reading a book to take my mind off of the world when I suddenly got pain on my side. It was strong strong pain like if a bus ran over me. I heard a scream and no, it wasn't was somebody elses and that scream faded away as I blacked out. When I opened my eyes I heard a voice, it was my brother's voice. He was talking to me in a soft voice trying to make me focus. "Are you okay?" He asked. I felt pain and not physical pain, it was emotional pain. My chest was burning and not in a goo way. I felt like crying and screaming my lungs out. I wrapped my hands around my brothers waist as I started crying softly saying "She is gone." He kept holding me and for once I felt safe. When I pulled away and looked at him I pushed him and he made a soft chuckle. "Oh, so now you care?!" I exclaimed. "Daisy, you're my little sister of course I care!" He responded. "Then why do you always shut me out all the time, You basically get home lock yourself and blast your music up. He looked up at me with a face of disappointment and sorrow.  "I'm sorry" he said.  I holded his hand and told him it was okay. I know he did wrong but he didn't deserve me treating him this way. He turned to me and put his hand on my back, "How are you doing about what happened to Sandra?" I then spaced out and i could hear his voice fading away as i broke into tears. I couldn't laugh, I couldn't smile, I couldn't even look at people in the eyes at this point. He holded me in his arms and all of a sudden I felt safe. For the first time my brother had come into my room conforting me in stead of just knocking on the door and saying nothing, I now knew that he cared. Then I asked hi a really stupid question, but i needed to know the answer. "Why did dad leave?" I asked. I could see his expression change suddenly and i knew that i had made a mistake by asking that. "Why do you want to know? " He responded. I didn't say anything for a minute since I didn't know how to answer that question at all. I responded him with the most stupidest answer... "Why not?" He started laughing and said "Alright, if you want to know I'll tell you." I nodded as he started with his story "Dad was into dark magic, just like you daisy. He went away because when you were born he didn't want to influence you with his magic. He loved you, he really did, all he wanted was to protect you " My heart was beating as my next sentence was even more stupid..."Can I meet him?" He turned around quickly and I could see the fear in his eyes as he began to twiddle his thumbs. "Why do you want to meet dad?" He asked nervously. " I have so many questions to ask him and i want to see if he could help me." "Help you with what Daisy?" "With Sandra, I need to know is she is a lost soul." I could see he thought about it but he wouldn't answer me... "Mike I need to know please" He turned to look at me as he said "Alright"  A wave of relief washed over me as he said yes. He started writing an adress on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I hugged him, and i told him i would we be eternally grateful, as i was about to leave he stopped me... "Um...Daisy?" I turned around. "Yeah Mike?" "Tell dad I said hi, and that i miss him" I let out a soft chuckle as i said "I will Mike" He looked down. "Okay, now go child before i change my mind" With that I went downstairs, got my coat, and went out the door. I started walking as a strong pain filled my head... Oh god, not again. I started groaning as the sinister voice filled my head once again... but this time there was screams in the backround... Sandra's scream..."We have taken the one you love, now servant of hell, you can't save her, live in guilt and once you get here...Hell will be complete with your service" My throat went the voice faded away, I felt weak but kept walking. Who is that voice? Is it satan? or just one of the demons? But that wasn't important...I know knew that Sandra IS a lost soul, and i will go till the end of the world to save her. For her to find peace, even if it takes for me to die or battle the most darkest and sinister creature that exists...Satan. I never believed in god, but now i know I need him by my side right now. Now that I'm off to find my dad, i hope he can help me, or most likely...I hope he will recognize me. 

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