My Offering.

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Though simple,
Is all I have to offer to you...

Please don't take it the wrong way,
This is all I want to offer to you.

I have food and money,
But so do you.

I have wits and cunning,
But so do you.

I have a dream and a question,
But don't we all?
Don't we all?
Don't we all
Wish to crawl?
Don't we all wish to draw?
Don't we all wish to...
Don't we all wish?

Well I have a wish,
A prayer,
An idea wrapped in layers of hope.
That is all I have to offer to you,
But why offer you what you've stolen?

I'd offer you my breath...
But you've cunningly snatched it away.

I'd offer you my heart,
But you've already made it your home.

I'd offer you my mind,
But you run its halls daily.

So I offer you what you haven't taken,
I offer you my words.
These words.

These words I speak, I quiver, I weep,
I want you to take them,
I want you to keep...
Keep them,
But don't abuse.
Use, diffuse, but never abuse.

Without these words,
I have nothing.
But nothing is worth being with you.

So leave me with nothing,
But hold me close,
Because now you're my everything,
That's life I suppose.

I offer my words
Because I want you to hear me,
I want to be with you,
I want you to be near me.
I want to be with you,
All but long forgotten,
I want to be with you,
Until the world has fallen.

But the world has fallen, hasn't it?
Everything seems to mix today,
The good,
The bad,
The distraught,
The glad,
The rad,
But it's sad.

I won't be able to enjoy this trail mix of emotions without another.
Will you accept my offering and leave me speechless...
Well, even more than before I mean?

I'll keep my end of it, you have my word,
Or will, should you choose to accept...

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