Chapter 9

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Word Count – 957

April's POV.

After the long drive, we grabbed something to eat and I started to get ready, we haven't talked much after the whole shopping incident. But we just recently made up when I had to tell Tanner that I was getting ready, he laughed.

He thought it was funny that I was starting to get ready three hours before the party. I wanted to look decent for my first collage party, Tanners kind of pissed though because I shouldn't be looking all fancy.

Eventually the time passed, and I was ready, so was tanner. We hopped in the truck and drove to his friend's house, as we drove he was telling me about his friend. His name was Josh, he lived in a nice house, and his parents Mark and Jack were apparently really nice people. Josh knew that he was adopted but he doesn't treat his Dads differently. His dads are successful in making movies, so he was rich.

Every time that his Dads were away he would throw a killer party, apparently it was one of the best in the town, there would normally be 500-1000 people over.

As we arrived you could clearly tell the party was at this house, it was loud, there was cars parked everywhere, even on the lawns. It had a great atmosphere, there was girls there wearing close to nothing and everyone was tipsy drink, it was a mess.

As we parked the car almost a block away, Tanner was sweet to give me a piggy back ride as I had on heels, I first declined saying I'll walk but he wanted me to meet everyone as soon as possible. As we arrived at the opened front door he placed me on the ground and grabbed my hand. Josh's house was massive, but there were still a lot of people there that I found my-self pushing past people.

Soon enough, over the loud music and people talking I heard Sarah's voice, we walked towards Dylan and Sarah. Soon enough Sarah and I were complimenting on each-others outfits.

I was wearing, a skin tight white dress, tanner didn't like it but I begged him if I could wear it, he eventually said 'yes, as long as I wore a jacket', so I grabbed my favourite leather jacket, black heels that looked like ballerina shoes, but h...

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I was wearing, a skin tight white dress, tanner didn't like it but I begged him if I could wear it, he eventually said 'yes, as long as I wore a jacket', so I grabbed my favourite leather jacket, black heels that looked like ballerina shoes, but heel versions. My hair was done in a messy bun and my makeup was light.

The party was booming, there was drunk people all around, Tanner hasn't left my side in the past hour since we have been here. A few guys have talked to me and a lot of girls and tanner is still being somewhat overprotective of me. Tanner has been drinking a lot, I haven't drunk anything as I didn't want to do something ill regret.

It was almost 12, I was started to get tired and Tanner was way too drunk. Me and Dylan helped him to his car, I firstly dropped Sarah and Dylan off, they also drunk a bit and ended up having a bit of a make out session in the back seat. As we drove home, tanner kept saying slurred words and singing to random songs.

We arrived at his house, he told me to tuck him into bed, but before that he ran to the fridge and grabbed anything that he could find. He was actually funny and cute when he was drunk.

While he was eating I decided to get changed before bed, I grabbed one of Tanner's Jumper's and put it over top of my bra and underwear, it was like a dress on me and covered it up.

Just as I had finished putting my hair into a messy bun, tanner walked into the room. He quickly walked up to me with a box of cereal in one hand and hugged me. He carefully placed me down on the bed and cuddled into me closely.

"I love you, April." He said drunk in slurred words, he was lying down his head was resting on my stomach, soon enough he fell into a deep sleep.

I leaned over and switched off the lamp, did he actually mean what he said, those thoughts didn't leave my mind. Before I knew it my eyelids became heavy and sleep took over my body, leaving the room in silence and listening to our quiet breathing.


Tanner's POV.

I woke up, I quickly ran into my bathroom and emptied my stomach contents into the toilet. After, flushing the toilet and washing my hands and face I walked back into the room to find April as sweet as can be sitting up on the bed with a glass of water and some medicine, she was the sweetest.

"Morning Lovely, how did you sleep."

"Pretty alright, you fell asleep quicker than I did,"

"Thought I would of, I think I drank a lot, Did I do anything id regret?" she didn't answer straight away, she shuffled in the bed and rubbed her arm. I have known her for a bit now and I know when she does that something is bothering her.

"April, is everything okay" she let out a deep sigh, she slowly shook her head as she was looking down.

"What's wrong, tell me please."

"It's nothing, don't worry."

"Please, tell me, was those boys back again, did they do something to you?"

"You said you F**king loved me, was that true,did you mean that because I don't know if you do, and I don't want to waste my timeif you're going to do that." The tears stained her soft fragile face. Icouldn't believe it, was it now time to tell her the truth?    

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