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Max hair and outfit ^( her hair is jet black too )
Beware I didn't edit yet and tell me how I did tho

Max hair and outfit ^( her hair is jet black too ) Beware I didn't edit yet and tell me how I did tho

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When I ask cam if he did those things to all those people he straight up lied to my face. And the facts and evidence that they had against him it was undeniable that he did and I feel like that dumb ass for defending  him
He killed he sold people and done much more illegal things  he also tortured people why didn't I notice anything before and the fact he was straight-up crazy maybe in my mind i thought that he was crazy for me but he could've pass a psychopath and been 

4 months since he was arrested just after our honey money

Four months ago

"Hey, honey, I am going upstairs to go unpack and then going to get into the bath " as I walk up the stairs into the bathroom

As I light the last of the candles I drop a bath bomb and off lights I climb into the bath and I closed my eyes I start to touch myself remember the memories of cam taking my v card and felt so good how ate me out started to feel my chest and my neck remember how he gave me all those Hickey all over my neck and all over my body

I was interrupted by sounds of break glass and before I know the swat team breaks down my door bathroom door and windows

I hurried up trying to to cover my chest and pussy

As I scream

that when cam busting through the bathroom door trying to get me out of the tub but he didn't get very far before one of the cops Put him in a headlock

I hurried up and got out the tub and got my towel and wrap it around my body

"Hey....hey what the hell going on" has I see the police put cam into hands cuffs but not before cam broke two officers arms and tried to get to me but he didn't get too far before he got tased

"Hey "I yell " can someone please tell me what going on please" I begged

"We are arresting your husband for well he is a drug lord or and other words the kingpin" a fat overweight Cop that looks in his late forties says to me After I heard that

"What .. that's not true"

"Yes it is " the cop says

"No, it's not... where is the proof " I can't believe that this is happening he runs one of the most successful business in the city

"Excuse me Mrs vanillo you are under arrest anything and everything will be used against you in the court of law" the cop that was arguing me says

"Hey... hey Joe let her go she has nothing to with this but I am going ask you come with us so we can get your statement " how about no I thought

"Oh I don't know.....i really like to go to my apartment "

"Mrs venillo you will need to come with us or you will be arrested and we are going press charges against you " I can't believe this .

" fine " as push my way through these assholes to get them out of my way to get  some clothes out of my closet as I pull my pants over my ass I fall down to the floor having a mental break down

" fine " as push my way through these assholes to get them out of my way to get  some clothes out of my closet as I pull my pants over my ass I  fall down to the floor having a mental break down

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I can't believe this happening  to me

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