The Co-driver

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"My guy has been watching you in at least 3 of those occasional runs you do at the circuit. He has said me he's impressed with your speed and he says you also mentioned to have mechanic skills, which is also very outstanding. I only have to say that here at Hirvonen Rally Team, we would like to be able to get your services for this upcoming 2016 WRC season."

There was only one thing I could say to that.

I agreed to all the terms on my contract. 1 year and $550.5K the year. I gotta say it was a big quantity of money for a guy that has only driven his car in a racetrack for fun.

They also told me that I should move to Helsinki in order to be easier to stay in touch with the team.

Few days later, I went back home to talk to my dad to tell him that I should leave to Helsinki cause I was accepted at the team.

He was very excited that I would get the chance to fulfill my dream but he also was sad that I had to leave.

That same day, I took most of my things in my car and took them to the apartment I have gotten down in Herttoniemi, Helsinki. It took me only two trips. Luckily.

One of those days, a week after moving in, the team called me and told me to go to the team's headquarters to work along with the mechanic team on the design of the car and to get to know my mechanics, my teammate and my co-driver.

I had no car since the team promised to get me one -Brand new Volkswagen Scirocco, almost as the one as I would be racing with-as soon as possible, so I had to catch the bus and walk.

I was just a few blocks away when I bumped into a familiar face right after I turned on the corner.

It was the first time we met in person.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't worry, it okayy... Hi!" She clearly recognized me too and waved at me.

"Hi? Hi? What do you mean 'hi'? You got me used to think that you were the only girl in this earth and then expected me to think otherwise for almost 2 years. You left me when I needed you the most, without even explaining or telling why, without coming back and all you gotta say now is 'Hi'?"

"Teuvo, I can explain."

I crossed my arms.

"What?" She looked at me.

"Then explain, I'm waiting!"

"When we first started out chatting, I was so excited about it, hearing all you had to say to me about yourself, telling you all I had to say about myself, it was amazing and with the pictures. I must admit, I had, have a crush on you."

"So then, why did you began getting less open and less talkative to me?"

"I was very excited about it so I decided to tell my parents about it, they were cool with it but for some reason, my dad searched you on Internet and, of course, he found all of your background and this thing that you were in the army and he told my mom and neither one of them liked that you and I were friends so they first suggested me to stop talking a little bit with you, it was hard for me but I did, and as you wouldn't stop messaging me, I decided to invent this lie that I had a boyfriend just so you could stay away a little, and you did."

"Now, this explains a lot..."

"And then when you decided that we could talk again, I thought it could be as it used to be but my parents soon found out that you were back and they eliminated you off my contacts. It was tough not being able to speak to you. You say you needed me, I needed you as much as you did. You gotta believe me, it wasn't a choice taken by me."

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