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I stared at my whirling fan for half and hour thinking about how my life would be after graduation. Will my parents finally get off my ass? Will I meet that special someone?

I got up from my bed and walked over to my desk. Laying on top was my acceptance letter from UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles.

It was my dream to live in Los Angeles. All the hot guys, celebs, beaches, and food. I'm going be living it up.

"Skylar!!!!!", my mom shouted from down stairs.

"Yes mom?!" I yelled.

"...............Skylar!!!" She screamed again.

"Yes?!?! YES?!?!?!?!? Ughhhh" I shouted back.

I hate when she does that. I walked out of my room and over to the balcony. My mom stood there frowning below.

"I've been calling you.", she said.

Well, yeah, and I replied mom." I said back to her.

She raised her eyebrow at me.

"You have a big day tomorrow, " she said, " you need to get to bed."

I stared at her. "You couldn't have just texted me that?" I asked.

I've been trying out the spoiled brat role just for fun, but it hasn't been working. She put her hands on her hips and I knew that was my cue to leave. I blew her a kiss and ran into my room shutting the door.


The next morning I woke up for the first time in years with a huge smile in my face. It was time for my graduation.

After eating breakfast I went back up to my room. I grabbed my gorgeous nude colored dress and put it on along with my black heels. I looked in the mirror at myself. I do have a great sense of style I thought to myself.

My long brown hair was curled and on my shoulders, and my makeup was the best it had ever been.

Too bad it was all ruined by my blood red cap and gown. Who designed this thing!!?? I slipped the gown over my dress, and I put the cap over my head. I guess I could make it work.

After a thousand pictures, we were on our way to the graduation ceremony.

As I stepped out if the car I could feel the Texas heat hit my face. Which is not good when your in the nasty gown I was in. I met up with one of my good "friends" Taylor. Her blond hair was perfectly curled and her make up was even better. Her green eyes sparked in the sun as she walked over to me. People always said we looked like twins but I never saw it.

Taylor is the complete opposite of me, but you got to love her....sometimes.

"Hey, bitch!" she said with a smile.

"Hey" I replied.

We both turned around at the sound of girls squealing behind us. They were taking selfies of them selfs in their outfits.

"Ugh. Why are they so excited?" She said in low tone, "it's just graduation"

I stared at her for what felt like hours.

"Okay, well I have to... Um... Get in line... For the uh...bye!" I shouted and walked away.

I always felt like she was a little dumber than the rest and not because she's blond. She's really a brunette. If I told anyone she would kill me.

I don't plan on talking to her after graduation. I kinda just want to disappear to confuse her a bit.....yeah....that's what I'll do.

After minutes of walking in circles I found my seat. As names were being called I day dreamed about my future. What will it be like for me in 10 years? What if.... "SKYLAR CROWLEY!!"

After snapping back into reality, I realized I was already up on stage walking to get my diploma. The crowed cheered as I neared my principal. I looked over at my parents and my idiot brother. My dad looked like he was having a heart attack, my mom was crying, and let's just say my brother was looking at some woman's boobs.

I laughed and shook my principals hand. Don't fall. Don't fall. Don't fall. I thought to myself while walking down the steps.

I did it!!!! Not only did I not bust my ass but I graduated. Me. Skylar Crowley. Everything I have done has lead up to this moment.

I'm ready to start a new life, be a new person, take chances, and be a wild spirit.

Wild SpiritOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora