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Mariana's POV

I woke up and just laid there for a second. I felt like a slut. dirty. and the fact that I liked it made me feel even worse. i mean i didnt really like it but i did that thing that happens when youre like done with sex. orgasm? i dont know it was pretty consensual i didnt stop him i mean yeah but I just met the guy and I just let him do whatever he wants to me. I mean I tried to stop it but I gave in and now ugh.

I got up and got ready. after that I put on Matt's blue Thrasher hoodie that I stole, black ripped jeans, and superstars. I didn't really feel like looking all that cute today. I went downstairs and just grabbed a banana. for some reason, I couldn't eat and I sat there in the kitchen thinking about last night.

"MARIANA" Matt yelled at me throwing a cheerio straight my way

"what? yeah?" I said snapping out of my thoughts

"what the hell is wrong with you god you're so weird" he said continuing to eat his cereal "so how was your date with Sammy"

"it wasn't a date and fine" I said peeling the banana and just staring at it

"just fine? what happened? did he hurt you? I swear to god I'm gonna kill him" he said then stood getting furious. jesus all I said was that it was fine

"Matthew I said it was fine, not terrible, and no he didn't I'm fine" I said and put my chin in the palm of my hand. I can tell he didn't believe that I was fine but I wasn't going to tell him what happened and how I feel like the worst person ever.

we got into his car and drove to school. I kept quiet the whole ride and was just in my thoughts and nodding and saying mhm to whatever Matt was saying

we got to school and I just rushed to my locker and to my class. I didn't want to run into anyone i just wanted to sit.

Matthew's POV

I could tell something was up with Mariana and if it has something to with Sammy im going to beat him up. I saw him coming towards me. speak of the devil.

"hey where's Mariana" he asked me looking worried.

"I don't know" I said. you know before she came my friends were actually friends with me and didn't just talk to me to know where she was.

"okay well if you see her can you tell her to reply to my texts I don't know if she's ignoring me or somethings going on with her phone but just tell her please" he said looking pretty sad. now I'm really curious as to what happened last night. I mean her phone is working just fine so clearly she's ignoring him.

Mariana's POV


I walked into the cafeteria with Maggie. she sat down next to Matt and I sat next to her. I looked up and saw Sammy across the table and we made eye contact and I looked away. god I feel so bad. what why do I feel bad I didn't do anything.

the rest of lunch I just sat there I didn't eat or anything. I felt Sammy look at me a lot but I didn't give in and I didn't look at him at all.

I went to the rest of my classes then I met Matt outside he was waiting in the car. I got in and sat and put on my seatbelt. he started up the car and started driving.

"Mar?" he said softly

"yeah?l" I said turning to him

"what happened last night. don't say 'nothing' because I know something did. you can trust me" he said. but I knew I couldn't. because as soon as I tell him he's going to try to hurt Sammy

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