Chapter Four

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From the group of children, I recognised the little girl who I had seen float and the wild looking girl from in the tree. I hadn't seen any of the others before, and was utterly confused by this Victorian looking woman. She took me away from the others, as she had something to tell me.

"The human species is far more complex than most expect," She began, "Common folk make up the bulk of humanity, but syndrigast, or peculiars as we are more commonly known also exist. These people are blessed with supernatural abilities. I saw the way that you manipulated the water, you Miss Redwood, are peculiar, as am I and all of the children under my care."
"Thank you for saving me Miss...."
"Peregrine" she answered,
"Miss Peregrine, but I cannot go home, I have nowhere to go anyway."
"You are very welcome to come to stay with us, Miss Redwood, I would help you to develop your ability. It is my duty as an ymbryne."
"A what?"
"An ymbryne is a rare kind of peculiar who has the ability to manipulate time and turn into a bird." I was literally speachless. Of course I would live with them, how could I not?

When I went to the group again, I was bombarded with questions: Was I burnt? Would I come with them? The answers to both were yes, but the former was more urgent. My legs right up to my knees were bright red with smokey black patches. My dress was practically burnt away, and I had cuts deep into my wrists. One girl bandaged them up and took me to a stream where she cooled the burns.

We went back to the other children and they told me their names and 'peculiarities'. A blonde girl who looked about fifteen was called Emma Bloom. She could create fire. This intimidated me a bit, but I thought that she seemed OK. The wild haired girl didn't say anything, but she made a plant grow with her hands. A boy wearing goggles told me that her name was Fiona Frauntfeld as bees escaped from his mouth. His name was Hugh Apsiton. Bronwyn and Victor Bruntly had super strength. There were more children, but we needed to leave. The villagers would  soon come looking for me.

Using an unusual process known as leapfrogging, we traveled to my new home. Apparently we were traveling through loops, but I had absolutely no idea what that meant. I couldn't wait to live with these amazing people, where I could be appreciated, maybe even loved. I could have a real family, even if we were not actually related. I'd always wanted siblings, older ones to look after me, and younger ones who I could tell stories to.

We arrived on a small island called Cairnholm. To get to the house, we had to travel across a deep bog. The older children could get themselves over, but Victor carried a little girl with ringlets called Claire and Bronwyn was dragging the floating girl who rescued me on a long piece of rope. The others skipped confidently across. I had no idea what to do. Luckily, Miss Peregrine called Bronwyn back and she carried me as well as Olive.

The house was truely spectacular. It was a huge mansion, surrounded by gardens. This was it, my paridise, my safe haven. My burns still hurt, but they would heal and nothing could be done in the mean time. Emma ran me a bath and got me out a new outfit. It consisted of a simple knee length cotton dress, long stockings and black mary janes. I was told that I would have a tour before supper. I had a feeling that this would be interesting.

A/N would you prefer more frequent short chapters or less frequent long ones? Thanks,

The Peculiar Life of Matilda Redwood (MPHfPC fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora