My choco Milk..

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Irene POV

His skin was white as marble, his nose flawed by a little bump in the ridge, plump pink lips, small brown eyes glaring right at me.

"Are you going to move or what" he spoke in a husky tone. I glared back at him.
"I picked it up first" i said crossing my arm. Before i could say more he began walking towards me. He came closer and closer until my back was against the wall, by now everyone was staring at us in the cafeteria.
"She's messing with the wrong person.. i mean out of all the people ..Jimin" came a voice from the crowd that had now gathered.
He was so close that without thinking i pushed him away causing the choco milk to fall. He looked at me and painted a smirk across his face. He grabbed it and winked "Thanks for paying" he sniggered.
He turned away and walked towards the 2 boys, one with an apologetic face and the other smiling for no particular reason.

I can't believe... What had just happened.

Chorong POV

"What do you think all that crowd was about?" I questioned looking over to Seolhyun who was lying in the grass. She gave no response.
"Do you think people will laugh at us becau-"

"Shh... Just relax" seolhyun said interrupting me. I stared at her blankly.
Seolhyun was always laid back in situations like this unless there was something to do with us. There was a moment of silence.
"Wait... Where's Irene...?" I asked confused. Seolhyun suddenly shot up.
"That crowd.. irene... was it her..?" She said in a worried tone.

Irene POV

I walked out the cafeteria to see Seolhyun and Chorong. As i got nearer to them Chorong came running to me
"Yah unnie! Where were you?" She asked while shaking my arm. Before i could answer Seolhyun spoke with a slight smirk "what did you do this time"
I rolled my eyes "why would you think i had anything to do with the crowd".
"So you were part of it!" Chorong said.
"Yep since we didn't mention crowd" seolhyun fake coughed.

"WAAAH.. so did you get the choco milk in the end?" Chorong said playing with her hair.
"Anii..." I said.
"Wah... Seriously you fought over a milk" Seolhyun added.

"AHHH I SHOULD GO KILL THAT ANNOYING HUMAN!" I screamed. Chorong covered her ears.
"YOU KNOW WHAT'S WORSE I PAYED FOR IT" I shouted loudly. Seolhyun lay back in the grass with the book covering her face.

Seolhyun POV

"Ah student! Can you help me with the books?" A voice called from behind.
I turned to see a teacher carrying a huge pile of books.
Ugh.. how bothersome.
"Yehh..." I replied tired.

I walked silently with the huge pile of books. Suddenly i felt a warm hand touch mine.
My eyes widened to see a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes.
"Why would a pretty girl like yourself carry such heavy books" He remarked with a teasing smile. Lightly he carried the books out of my hands.
"Yah!" I said irritated. He jumped back a little from my sudden remark.
"I'm not just any weak girl! i can handle it!" I shouted pulling the pile out of his hands and then he pulled back.

Jungkook POV

I kept pulling it and she kept pulling it. It was quite funny. I pulled it real hard this this time and took a step back causing me to fall back.


I tried to open my eyes but hair was covering my face. As i parted the hair i saw an angry face. Despite the weight and pain of my head, which had bashed on the floor i stared at her face. She was flawless.
"YAAAAAAAH" She screamed and elbowed me extremely hard before getting up.
"Owwww" i moaned in pain. She stomped and said "i will take my revenge some day!" I giggled at her cute, furious remark.
"Just remember I'm Seolhyun! And Seolhyun never lets people off easily"
A smile painted across my face at her threat.
"Seolhyun, huh? How cute" i laughed and rested my head.


"Aish.. I'm hungry" i sighed staring at the huge line ahead of me. I sat on the table as my hope for food had disappeared.
"How long is this line?!" I heard a voice from the girl standing in front. She began to jump in frustration and pulled her hair.
I giggled at her actions.

I stared at the chair that sat at an angle ready to trip someone. For a moment i felt like i was having a staring competition with the chair. My eyes were fixed on it.

Chorong POV

Continously, i complained despite knowing how pointless it was. I jumped annoyed and i accidentally stepped on the chair causing me to fall back. My eyes rapidly shut. My weight pulled me down until it stopped.
Huh?... My eyes slowly opened to see a guy with orangy like hair and he gave off a rectangular smile which seemed somewhat cheeky . His arms wrapped tightly around me.
"Are you okay?" He asked politely. i stared at his mouth when he spoke i was mesmerised at his perfect features. It felt as if i was dreaming. I had completely blanked out until i hit reality.
Omg! He's still holding me!
I quicky stood straight and pulled my skirt down "i-im fine"
He scratched the back of his head
"You see the chair was angled really odd"
I just realised what had happened.
"Ah. Yeah! Thanks by the way" i said embarrassed.
"I'm not usually that clums-"
"It's fine when I'm hungry I'm alot like you as well" he said with a wink and a cute side smile appeared. His smile made me feel as if all my worries and concerns had disappeared. He reached his hands out for me to shake.
"I'm Taehyung, but you can call me V"

Irene POV

I walked towards my form room. I turned the door handle and stepped in
"Ah.. i need to just close my eyes for a little-" my eyes widened to see a guy resting back in the chair with his legs layed on the desk.
"Aish... Are you kidding me?!" I said frustrated. His eyes opened and he squinted due to the sun shining through the endless Windows.

"Ah my wallet.." he spoke the words quietly and rubbed his eyes and looked straight up.
"Wallet?" I questioned confused
He raised an eyebrow
"Didn't you know?"
I rolled my eyes not expecting much from the guy who had just used my money.
Wait.. money! No way..
"Yah! Did you just refer to me as your wallet?!?" I said crossing my arms annoyed.
"Oh so you do know" he smirking and began to walk towards me.
"Yah what are you doing?!" I asked in a irritated tone.
Is... He staring at my lips?
His eyes were fixed in one place. He walked closer and closer till he stopped and i could feel his breath. I frowned and suddenly he bent close towards me and his face was an inch away from me.


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