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I sat back down on the couch and switched on the TV. I switched to my recordings and turned on our favorite movie. I remember how they died. How fast it all happened, heh I suppose I shouldn't dwell on the past. When I was done eating I here's my phone go off. I picked up my phone and went to my messages, it was my somewhat of a friend.

"Hey what's up"

"Nothing, watching Tv"


"What do you want..."

"Do you wanna come to a party?"

"God no."

"Why not..."

"I'm not much for parties."

"C'mon, please, I miss ya frond."

"I said no, and nothing will change my mind."

I turned my phone on mute and then off. I don't care if she was my friend, I hated parties and she knew that. She's tried to get me to go to few, but I will never go to another party since what happened at the first one. I watched the movie I tried my best not to dwell on the past but the way they died, I will never forget.


I sat in the backseat with my mom smiling and playing games. I remember I favorite song came on and my dad turned it up as we all sang along. I had no worries, everything was perfect. But then I herd a gunshot out of nowhere. My mom and dad were shot through the back of the skull. The bullet was strong enough to go through the entire car. It all happened so quick. My moms body landed on me keeping me pinned. When the car stopped I herd sirens from police cars. I gathered my strength and pushed my mom off me. I rushed ou of the car and into the woods taking a shortcut home.
Flashback end:

I felt more tears build up, but I wasn't gonna cry all night. I turned off the tv and went upstairs. I sighed. Well it's not all bad I thought. I didn't bother with the lights I flopped on my bed. It was so soft, so comfy that I fell asleep instantly.

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