Telling Mabel

370 11 1

An: Sorry for my long absence my phone broke and I had nothing to write this with. Also the picture has nothing to do with the story I just liked it.

Mables Pov

Dipper has been up in the attic for a while I should check up on him. I opened the door to our room to see Dip biting his pen "What you doing brobro." I went to see what he was looking at. "Mabel come look I found something in the journal."

🌲Dippers Pov🌲

I showed Mable the code I found in the journal "What do you think it means?", "I've been trying to figure that out all day I'm not making much progress." I would show Ford but he's been in the basement a lot more than usual.

👓 Ford Pov👓

The day is getting closer I can't let that monster find him.

An: I know it's short but I can't write long paragraphs so just bare with me will ya. 

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