Stranger Things

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"Did he hurt you?" Sunny asks.

"No! He just almost ran me over."

"He should've been watching where he was going."

"I'm small! Everyone runs over me!"

Sunny smiles and runs his fingers through his thick mess of ash blond hair. Sunny was my best friend. He's tall and muscular with olive skin, dark green eyes, and a big goofy smile.

A loud crash comes from my sister's room and Sunnys eyes widen.

"What's with Cleo?" He asks.

I roll my eyes. "She's having a conniption because she can't decide on what to wear to this date."

"Date? Who's the guy?"

Again, I roll my eyes. "Some guys she met on one of the dating apps she's on. They've been talking and she's meeting him at the coffee shop today." I say with a heavy sigh.

Cleo comes running into my room with a wild look in her almond shaped bright green eyes. Her mass of tight curly blonde hair was a complete mess. Cleo had high cheek bones and a small face, she was short barely measuring in at 5 feet tall and had a small frame with a tiny waist. . .it was like looking in a mirror.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask.

"What's wrong with me? I can't find anything to wear to this date!" She squeals.


"I need something from your closet." She says walking swiftly to my closet.

"What? No!" I exclaime, blocking her way.

"Kloe, come on!" She stomps like a toddler.

I arch an eyebrow at her. "You have clothes in your closet." I state crossing my arms.

"Kloe please!"

"Why do you want something from my closet?"

"Because we both know that your style is way more on trend than mine." She says pushing past me.

"I'm gonna go-" Sunny starts.

"Damn it Cleo! You can't just act like everything that's mine is yours! We are two completely different people!" I shout.

Cleo winces back. "I just wanted to barrow an outfit."

"Fine!" I snap and storm out of the house.

I was enraged. I was so tired of not being seen as an individual person!

"Kloe wait!" Sunny yells after me.

I continue to storm off down the street. It didn't take long before he caught up to me and was now walking right beside me.

"Where are you going Klo?"

"I don't know! Away from here!" I shout running my hands through my thick curls.

I knew the minute I snapped at Cleo that I would feel bad, and I did. But it was so frustrating that she went along with everything everyone said! Did she not want to be her own person? How was she so okay with constantly being a pair? I love my sister, nothing will ever change that but I absolutely hate being around her sometimes. I hate people not getting my name right. I'm tired of always feeling like a twin and not an individual. I just want to be seen!

"Klo, stop for a second." Sunny says coming to block my path and put is hand on my tiny shoulders.

I sigh and glance off into the distance before looking him in the eye.

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