Chapter Thirty-Six: The Goddess

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“You’re my mother,” I stated in disbelief. Stepping back, I asked, “What are you doing here? I thought…you wrote…the letter…” My heart thundered in my chest. I moved even farther away from her, into the doorway of the kitchen. “I don’t…”

“Come closer, Genevieve,” she ordered, voice devoid of emotion.

My back hugged the wall while I shook my head furiously. “I have to know…b-before I come any closer… you’re not Alia Pallas?” I whispered, eyes fogging with tears.

She sighed, “You are correct. I am not Alia Pallas. I lied for reasons that you cannot begin to fathom, Eric.” When Papa curled his fists, she continued, “I am only known as such to mortals. My true name is Pallas Athena.” She hung her head.

My heart dropped. “You’re a goddess? A Greek goddess? Persephone, I met her. She referred to you as her sister, of course. And Sleepwalker, he said he was so familiar with you. And you healed me. I was a fool to have not believed it when I suggested it.”

“You suspected it? I’d no idea. How did you have an inkling as to what I was?”

“Sleepwalker. All of his hints directed me to nothing less. And meeting Persephone solidified it. And once I discovered Eros’ identity, he proved it true as well. I do not know why I doubted myself for so long,” I rambled, inching closer to her.

She furrowed her brow. “Sleepwalker? You mean, Morpheus?” When I nodded, she stomped her foot. “Of course he has! He can scarcely keep himself from my dreams. What should make yours so different? Has he been tormenting you with thoughts of me?”

Again, I nodded. “But somewhere along the line, it became more than that. He told me that he was my guide. He helped me to fight thieves, find you. He even gave me confidence if I needed it. He wanted me to find you. He gave me his blessing.”

Papa cleared his throat. “Could we slow down for a moment?” He pointed to my mother. “You are a goddess?” He turned to me. “So that makes Jenny…?”

She raised a thin eyebrow and replied, “Half. Half human. Half god. Do you understand why I cautioned you so? I did not know what she could be, much less what sort of power she could possess.” She analyzed me from my boots to my hair.

Under her cold eye, I fidgeted. Turning away from her, I asked, “Power? You mean to say that I have some sort of power?” I queried, my heart pounding.

“I thought you might, but as I watched you, you do not seem to. You heal a bit more quickly than others do. You are literate enough and… you see, Genevieve, well, most godlings have a grace about them that you do not possess in the least.”

When my eyes clouded with tears once more, I lowered my gaze to the floorboards, all too welcoming. When Papa’s voice rang out, I snapped my head back up.

“What nerve have you to come into my inn after all these years? What nerve! Do you not understand that I am finally beginning to be happy?” He gestured to Professor Lester, confusion etched in her face. “She and I will be wed in May. I have finally found someone who I share a love with that you could never give! Someone who can even love my daughter as her own when her mother, some supposed goddess of…”

“Wisdom,” Professor Lester chimed. She eyed my mother warily, watching her features harden to the point where the tanned skin appeared to be expertly crafted marble.

Papa’s face burned even deeper. “Wisdom? Wisdom? Surely, a goddess with an eternity of wisdom could find a proper way to explain the situation! She might even  spare a moment to teach her only daughter how to read!” He pointed to me.

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