World's happiest man

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This is for Cristaj98 in Kik .Well,
I hope you like it,Cris!
Made it with love for you!
xxx :)
#Imagine...Louis,your bf,
and you were in Disney
riding a lot of rides and
having fun.Both went to
all rides,but you wanted to
go to the Ferris Wheel.

"Louis,can we go to the
Ferris Wheel,pleaseee?",
you begged,giving him cute
puppy eyes."Alright,Crista,
we can go!",grinned Louis
while grabbing your hand
and running to the entrance.

"Thank you,Lou!",you smiled."No problem,babe!",
said Louis.Both waited in
the line and finally it was
your turn.You squealed in
joy and stepped in.

"Oh my gosh!",you shouted,
happily."YAY!",shouted Lou.
The Ferris wheel began to
ride and you could see the
entire Disney.It was very

"Cris,look!",said Louis while
showing you the sky with
a lot of stars and the full
moon."It's so beautiful!",
you grinned.

While the Ferris wheel was riding over and over
again,you were wrapped in
your baby's arms.

Seconds later,the Ferris
wheel stopped,but you
landed in the top."Babe,
why did it stop?",you asked.

"Ummm...I need to tell you something!",spilled Louis.
"Yes?",you asked."Crista,
we have been together for
2 years and I want to live
my life with you.So,will u
take the honor to make
me become the world's
happiest man?",asked Louis
while showing a box with
a squared diamond ring.

"YES,YES,YES!",you shout
of joy.After saying that,
both shared a kiss full of
magic and passion.

Louis Tomlinson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now