PDA (Edited)

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Charles is a bit shy about PDA in public because of the reputation he has to uphold, but all of that fly's out of the window if you are feeling even the slightest bit overwhelmed. He tends to know these things pretty quickly.

Erik is quite protective over you, he is usually standing behind you glaring at any other guy who dares to look at you. He doesn't mind PDA and will occasionally hold your hand.

Hank as we all know is on the shyer side, but he loves to swaddle you in affection. He keeps his arm around you at all times and always remembers the sidewalk rule. 

Alex being the sly dog he is, absolutely loves PDA. Anything he can do to show you off is on the table, even if that means getting dirty in public just to fluster you. 

Scott doesn't have a preference toward PDA, he lets you do whatever makes you comfortable and you both have had many conversations about it. 

Kurt absolutely does not understand the concept of too much PDA, he doesn't understand that you have limits in public and no matter how many times you try to tell him he still crosses the line. You two have grossed out quite a few people on the team. 

Peter likes PDA, but it isn't something that he needs. He understands that it can sometimes overwhelm you, and when that happens he will swiftly pick you up and take you somewhere to help calm you down. 

Logan absolutely loves PDA, he always has a hand on you. You can't tell he is being protective over you or if he does it to calm himself, but you love it all the same.

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