Forever (Old)

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Well, hello. Just to let you know, this story is being rewritten and continued after "Rewrite". To avoid confusion for myself, I'm going to put all old chapters here. If you are new to this story, I'd prefer that you read the new chapters since these are... not good. They're more just a reference point for me to look back on how my writing has improved since middle school and how I can still improve it. I'm also keeping it here for old readers who want to look at these chapters also. Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy the new story. Or the old one, i guess. Whatever floats your boat.


Unspecified amount of years ago:

Two ponies were running through the forest, both in black cloaks that completely covered them. They stop in front of a cave and drop off a basket with a blanket on top of it. They run away into the night.


A grown Fauna walks through the Everfree forest, her pack right behind her. They stop at a clearing with a dead timber wolf in the middle. Tears come to Faunas eyes as she lays next to her dead father. "I could have protected you......." she whispered as her brother came up behind her, concerned for his sister. He hadn't seen her cry since she was small. Fauna stands up and faces the pack. "Pineleaf is dead. I am sorry I was not here to save our leader......" Fauna announced. "There was nothing you could have done to prevent it, my child." Her mother told her. "Your father was a wonderful wolf, and a wonderful leader. I know that he would want you to lead the pack now that he is gone. Fauna looks up at her pack. "Only if you all accept me as your leader." All of the wolves nodded and barked in approval. Fauna gave a curt nod and started to walk back twirls her pack when she hears a loud noise behind her. She looks over her shoulder for a split second before falling unconscious.


Fauna woke up in a strange room. Masks and many different kinds of herbs lined the walls and in the middle of the room sat a cauldron with a zebra stirring a green brew. Fauna immediately jumped up and growled. Her mother had told her that ponies were nothing but trouble and did nothing but hurt timber wolves. The zebra looked up at her and smiled. "Good, you have awoken, but please don't move, your hood is broken." Fauna immediately felt the pain, but didn't care. "Where is my pack? Where am I? Answer me you miserable pony!" "I found you with the timber wolves and brought you to Zecora here. What were you doing in the forest? You could have been killed by those wolves!" Fauna glared at a purple alicorn with a dark mane with a pink streak. "That was my pack! You took me away from them?! Did you harm any of them?!" Fauna asked angrily. "I did not harm any of them. What do you mean that was your pack?" Fauna glared more intensely at her. "They were my family, the ones that raised me. Do you realize that you took their leader from them?!" Twilight gave Fauna a look sympathy. Sympathy, from a pony! It was not needed. Fauna glared at Twilight before getting up again, pain shooting from her leg as she walked twirls the door. She exited without any pony stopping her. She was going to go find her pack. Fauna's stomach growled. Well as soon as she got some food.


Fauna sniffed around for something to eat, but all that surrounded her was poison ivy, healing herbs, and potion ingredient plants. "How do you ponies live like this?" She growled as she walked to find something to eat. She tried to pick up a scent of her pack as well, but their was nothing. "They lead me to far to the edge. I'll never see my pack again........" She remembered her mother soft but stern bark from when she was a pup. She  remembered her fathers proud eyes as she became a fierce hunter and protector. She remembered her and her siblings rough housing. She remembered the look that the pack gave her when they accepted her as leader. At this moment, her eyes were brimming with tears and she couldn't move. Thinking of her pack, and all it had done for her made her happy, until she remembered, she would never see them again. She walked through the forest until she came upon a small town. She had heard tales of this town from her mother when she was a cub, and recalled the name. "Ponyville."

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