Chapter 8

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Bella's POV

I had just gotten out of the shower with Cauis. I was putting on my clothes when the door bell rang.

"Babe can you get the door bell?" I asked Cauis

He wrapped the towel around his waist and went down stairs.

Emmett's POV

Edward decided to go see Bella. So we ran all the way to her house. Edward rang the door bell about seven times before someone came to open the door. It was King Cauis and he was in a towel.

Bella's POV

Where the hell is he? I run down stairs in his shirt. I saw him standing with the door open. I peeked around him to see what was he looking at. There they were. There he was. The Cullens. Edward.

"Umm....... Would you like to come inside?" I asked them

I lead them in to the living room. I waited until everyone sat down and had gotten comfortable.

"May I ask what are you doing here?" I asked them with a blank face

"Is it true?" Carlisle asked

"Is what true?" I asked him

"Is it true that your real name is Isabella Swan?" He asked me

It seems that the Cullens found out. I had a feeling that a little birdy told them. I looked at Alice. She had a guilty look on her face. Ah. She was the one who told. I smiled at her.

"It is true. Why do you want to know?" I asked

He didn't say anything. I looked at Edward. I got up and walked in front of him. I held out my hand for him to shake.

"I believed we haven't met before. My name is Isabella Volturi. I am the CEO of Sexy and Elegant. And you are?" I asked/ said to Edward

"Hello, my name is Edward Cullen." He said

"Well its nice to meet you Mr. Edward Cullen." I said to him

"Well look at the time. I have my morning workout to do. Would you like to accompany me?" I asked them

They all nodded.

"Meet me here in 20 minutes." I said in a dominate tone

I went upstairs to change in my workout clothes

Bella's workout clothes

My normal workout trail ended at a beautiful Landscape in the woods

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My normal workout trail ended at a beautiful Landscape in the woods.

The woods opening

The woods opening

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