Childhood (english)

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Castiel still had trouble understanding humans, Dean knew it. Their manipulations, their vices... The angel never seen it that near than since he was with the Winchester boys. So Dean decided to introduce him to the purest creatures existing : children. But knowing how he's acting with other people he didn't want to make him meet Ben. So he decided to take him to a primary school.

He parked the car right in front of the structure. From there, Castiel could see the school yard teeming with children screaming and howling.

« What's the word for that infestation of tiny creatures over there ? »he said.

« Those are children. That's a school. » replied Dean.

« And what are we doing in a school ? »

« Officially i'm here to write an article about school teachers. You, however,you're here to meet children and try to understand how they work.. »

Castiel was perplexed. Dean puts a pat on his shoulder before leaving towards the director's office. The angel left sitting down on a bench, in the yard, observing these miniature models of humans. One of them, a young girl with light brown hair, approached him.

« Who are you ? » she asked.

« I'man angel of the Lord. » replied Castiel before remembering that Dean forbad him to say that kind of things to normal people.

« Wow,really ?! A real angel ?! » said the little girl,astonished, the wide open innocent eyes.

She left by running toward her classmates and when she starts making big gestures and designated him, he knew he had made a mistake.Immediately, the child crowd ran toward him.

One hour. He had given Castiel 1 hour to discover children. Dean comes out the director's office and started to walk into the halls,searching for his friend. He finally finds him, crouched down behind a furniture.

« Castiel ? »called the hunter, confused.

The other turn his head and make him a sign to keep silent. Dean stared at him, internally asking for explanations.

« I have to hide. » he whispers.

« Don't kid me, they're only children, they're not going to hurt you or something. » smiled Dean.

« That'snot that » he replied « it's kind of a game apparently. »

« Wait...You mean you're playing hide and seek with kids, are you ?Exclaimed his friend, laughing.

He ordered him to shut up, but it was too late, a little bunch of kids was already running in his direction. All the children surrounded him, screaming and questioning him, proposing other games... Castiel didn't know how to escape from those energetic people which seemed very interested by him. He gave a look begging to Dean so that he helps him. His friend observed him and understands his distress, but waited a couple of minutes to enjoy the rare spectacle of seeing Castiel intimidated in front of children. Visibly they all admired him and that much attention on him was so unusual that that was certainly what made Castiel shy right now.

Finally,Dean took pity on him and addressed the children.

« Come on kids, my friend and I have to go. »

« Are you an angel too ? » asked a boy.

Dean gathered the interest of children into Castiel and give him a look in which his friend could easily read « I told you not to talk about it. »

« Hmm no I'm not an angel, but now the angel needs to get home, okay ? »

The children heaved a sigh of disappointment. The two guys walked toward the exit when Castiel felt something pulling his trench coat. He turned around and looked the little girl that first came to talk to him when he was sitting on the bench.

« Are you going to visit us again, Mister Angel ? » she asked,raising her head to look at him in eyes.

He squatted to be for her height.

« I don't think so » he answered. And as she felt sad, he added« But i will watch over you from heaven, i promise. »

The young girl seemed to be joyful again and jumped into his arms to testify of it. He was surprised, then he put his hand on the head of the girl and tell her goodbye once again (and for the last time).

In the car, on the road to the house, Dean asked Castiel about what he learnt this afternoon about children.

« They have something in their eyes that most of other humans don't have. »he said.

« Yeah.It's called innocence. » replied the driver.

« That's beautiful. » he continued « It looks like grace on the highest form. »

« Maybe it is ? »

« Maybe. »

After that conversation, silence fell on the car. The angel was thinking.Humans really were interesting creatures and he still had a lot to discover about them, more than he thought.

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