Part Two

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Part Two

They cut off her long shiny red hair. Her eyes no longer sparkle. She walks around limply. Simple lifeless. The meaning of living has been taken away from her. But like a cruel man once said, death isn't an option.

She silently roams the corridors. She cries silently in her room. She curses the evil man with silent words. Nothing she did made a sound.

Her name is not important. She really has no need for it these days. The redhead avox girl, they call her. They laugh around her, talk around her – their plans are hers to listen to. After all, who can the avox girl tell?

She watches the Games and her broken heart aches. The lies he's told her. Only she was foolish enough to believe him. She slams her fist against the window and it makes a dull thud. Little boys and little girls are reaped. Their family cry, but nothing can be done.

Then suddenly: "I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!"

The girl's face on the big screen is familiar to her. She knows her. Those wide and frightened eyes; she's seen them before. Once, in the woods. Perhaps this is fate. That girl from District 12 could've saved the avox girl if she wanted to. But, honestly, she can't be blamed. No one would've risked their lives to save strangers. Not in this world.

Avox girl. A sad and lonely girl, watching a nightmare from her bedroom window. She cries herself to sleep, knowing she can't bear to watch this anymore.

Serving Katniss Everdeen is hard. Watching her gain popularity and knowing what could happen to her now that she's a threat to the cruel man. She knows his tricks. She knows Katniss recognises her, but no one is allowed to talk to avoxes. That is forbidden.

So she tries to tell her things but she can't talk. She listens to their plans and she watches them. She sighs, feeling useless. If only she could let everyone know who she really is.

Lavinia Snow.

Daughter of the president, who was turned into an avox by her own father.

If only they knew.

Snow is often underestimated. Lavinia underestimated him too.

She watches Katniss in the Games. She sees her doing things Snow wouldn't approve of. The signs of a rebellion. Lavinia knows there will be one, and when it happens Snow will fall.

She finds Snow in the rose room. The roses smell sickly sweet. She glares at his back with her faded green eyes. She has so many things she wants to say to him. So many questions to ask him too.

"A revolution has started, Lavinia," he says. "Fire...that melts Snow."

She looks at him, trying to figure what this man is thinking. She doesn't know if he's genuinely feeling bad or if he's just finding this all amusing.

"I always knew this day would come," he says. He turns to look at her. "I'm sick, Lavinia."

That would be all the bad thing you've done in your life, she thinks to herself. Karma is here to kick your ass.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you," he says. "I've done a lot of bad things in life. I never deserved your mother...and I most definitely never deserved you. And you didn't deserve a father like me."

She flinches at the thought of having him as a father.

He shakes his head. "This war has finally ended, Lavinia," he says with a small, sad smile. "My execution is soon. Will you come and watch?"





But she will always have his blood running through her veins. She lets a single tear fall from her eyes.

The guards come and take him away. Before he goes, he says, "Lavinia. If you could speak, would you use your last words to me to say you forgive me?"

Lavinia mouths: Never.

Katniss chooses to shoot Coin, instead of Snow. Lavinia watches from her bedroom window. She sees her father. He is old, thin and almost fading away. Blood is forming on the corners of his mouth. He looks up at her and starts to laugh. He laughs and he laughs. She thinks it's a horrible laugh. She turns away, but she hears him.

He shouts: "I'm sorry, Lavinia!"

When she turns around again, he is gone. They drag him away.

Lavinia allows herself to smile, because for the first time in ages, she is happy; happy to know that her father thinks about her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2012 ⏰

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