chapter 2

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"I just don't think I can handle this for so much longer Harry! I really don't think I can!" I have been sitting by his grave and just talked to him. It had begun to darken.

I didn't get an answer on any of my questions, but i feel like this was the closest I could get to him.

It felt like he was there with me. Like he sat beside me, holding my hand like he used to.

"Some day I'll be with you Harry! And we don't have to be apart anymore." I look up from my lap and look over all the other graves.

I was all alone, it was only me on the here. I would have been freaked out if i was alone,

Only a few Pigeons sat in a tree beside the church.

If Harry were here, and if i were happy, I would have ran up to the tree and scream at the birds asking if they knew Kevin.

But he isn't, and i’m not happy, so I don't.

I aren't the same without him.

So much have change. My normally sparkling sea blue eyes had a more gray color and they weren't sparkling anymore. I used to always be so happy, laugh, tell jokes, play games and prank people, but that was long gone now.

I just sit watching them as the birds walk around on the brunch.

"If you were here now I would hug you. I would hug you so hard and never let go!" I told him and took a shaky breath.

"But I can't, because you aren't here.

I miss you Harry! I miss you so damn much!!" I sight and softly start singing on Harry's favorite song, Look after you.

" If I don't say this now I will surely break.

As I'm leaving the one I want to take.

Forgive the urgency but hurry up and wait.

My heart has started to separate.

Oh oh Oh oh Be my baby Oh oh oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Be my baby I'll look after you.

There now Steady love So few come and don't go.

Will you, Won't you be the one I'll always know.

When I'm losing my control the city spins around.

You're the only one who knows,

You slow it down.

Oh oh Oh oh Be my baby Oh oh oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Be my baby ,

and I'll look after you.

‘If ever there was a doubt’ My love she leans into me ’This most assuredly counts’ she says most assuredly.

And Oh oh Oh oh Be my baby Oh oh oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Be my baby and I'll look after you.

It's always have and never hold.

You've begun to feel like home.

What's mine is yours to leave or take.What's mine is yours to make your own.

Oh oh Oh oh Be my baby oh-"

I burst into tears before I can finish the song. I used to sing this to harry when he was sad. He would cuddle up to my side and just lay there on my chest just listening to me singing.

*ring ring*

My phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and answered.

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