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Hello there friend! I am going to be a generic PewdieCry writer, and have a one-shots book. But! Don't worry, it won't be all PewdieCry. But the majority will be. It will be allot of PewdieCry and Homestuck fanfiction, so be ready. Just to start this off, here's a short, sad, PewdieCry fanfic.


"Hey man. It's been hard without you, come back soon, okay? I bought us a new game to play when you do... Take your time but know that we are really missing you on this end..."

I would if I could. But I can't do anything to escape this darkness. Just for you I'll try harder okay? Don't play that game without me.


"Hey bro... How are you? You've been gone for quite awhile now... But I know you can make it. I won't give up on you. Just please try to hurry. I really miss you..."

I've tried. I've tried everything. But I told you, I cannot escape... Where did you go? I couldn't hear you for awhile. Oh whatever I'll try to get to you. You better not have played that game without me.


"Hi... So... I wonder if you can still hear me, they say it's getting worse. I don't believe them though. You're stronger than this so I know you'll get better. Please do."

I'm sorry... I'll try harder. Don't worry about me...


"I come here everyday now, in hopes that I'll get to talk to you. I'm really sorry, technically this is all my fault. It gets worse each passing hour, but I know that you won't give up. You never give up. Just come here... Soon please..."

I'll try.


"Are you going to come back? Ever? It's coming close to the end, bro. You need to come back. No more waiting. I don't have much money anymore. Please. Come back now."

I'm sorry. I'm giving up.


"No! Please he is getting better. He will wake up, I know it."

Who are you talking to...?


"Hey. That game? It sucked. You wouldn't have wanted to play it anyways... You were a great friend...."

What's going on?

".... And I'll miss you like crazy."


"Goodbye Pewds."


"I love you."

I love you too.

I'm getting tired, I think I'll just take a small nap.

Talk to you later Cry.


If you didn't get it, Pewds is in a coma. Cry is talking to him while he's asleep. About a year passes and Cry runs out of money too pay for Pewdie's life-support. So then they take it off, while Pewds is dying Cry admits his feelings to him, which Pewds doesn't think much of in his woozy state, and tells Cry he loves him too.

Sad? Corny? Shitty? All of these? You should tell me in the comments, and suggest a story idea.

Love you guys, bye-bye :3

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