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Welcome to the Unicorn community!!! I'm a newbie. So don't expect amazingness from me.

But I'm good friends with nobody here. But I think the Starlights would be good friends with me. I know they don't have a name but those two or more might be good friends with me.


I just call them Starlights because they like VIXX. And I guess that's there Fandom name.

I like it though.

So those two I hope we become great friends!!!

So...now...hello!!! Rainbow!!! Sorry if I call Rainbows or Unicorns. I just like calling people that. It makes them special and more bright and happy. I'm a very happy and bright I'm normally the one to brighten up the mood. And I'm normally not sad or depressed.

But anyway...My name is Superhero or Nicole. But if you want you can call me Nic. I'm fine with that. I'm used to that anyway. But I'm in high school I'm a Freshman so any tips?

But I hope that we can get along and I hope that we become close Unicorns!!!

Thank you and bye!!!

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