Chapter 7

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A warmth was washing over me and I could see the inside of my eyelids because of a bright light. I groaned and covered my eyes with my hand as I slowly sat up. I could hear light movements around me, the remaining people shuffling around and doing chores. Slowly I removed my hand from my eyes and opened them, squinting as I took in my surroundings. My gaze stopped at a man sitting where the fire had been, which was now ashes. The man had slightly wavy, dark hair and looked to be around the same age as Rick. He was staring at me intently, rifle in hand, with a rather pissed off expression. The man was not happy to have me here at all.

Turning my gaze away, I saw the blonde woman from last night still sitting by the corpse of her sister. She hadn't moved at all and a slender dark haired woman who I recalled was Rick's wife Lori, crouched down beside her. I couldn't tell what they were talking about since I was too far away. Even though I wasn't looking I still felt the man by the fireplace staring at me, making me uncomfortable. 

I hastily stood up and grabbed my stuff, marching through the camp to the opposite side where I saw T-Dog fiddling with a stick. As I reached him I put my things down on the ground again and blew at a few strands of hair that kept falling into my face. "What's his deal?" I asked in a moody tone and pointed over my shoulder at the man that had followed every single move I'd made so far. T-Dog glanced up from his chair to see who I was talking about. 

"That's Shane. He ain't happy about us bringin' you here." He muttered and he didn't seem to be a fan of him either. "Since you're a stranger we don't know anything about. No offense." He ended and slightly raised his hands in an apologetic manner. "None taken." I replied truthfully and popped down on the grass. 

"Rick, Glenn and I vouched for you, told him you saved Glenn and helped us get him back. But it didn't matter, said you could be part of a bigger group who'd come here and take our stuff, kill the rest of our group." T-Dog scoffed and dropped the stick to the ground. 

"Yeah, that was my plan all along. Trick you, risk my life and help you out just too kill you later. 'Cause that's totally worth it." I joked and T-Dog couldn't help but give a small smile. "Yeah, sounds about right." He replied and I grinned. At least T-Dog didn't appear to see me as a threat which I was glad for, since I wasn't any threat to them at all.

"Can't believe I actually fell asleep." I said in disbelief. 

"Rough day, would've surprised me if ya didn't." T-Dog stated and glanced at me down on the ground. "Looks like it did ya some good." I whipped my head around and stared at him with a straight face. "And what's that supposed to mean? That I looked like shit?" I deadpanned, still staring at him with an emotionless expression. T-Dog chuckled, understanding that I was joking with him. "Well, sometimes it was hard to see the difference between you and the geeks." He teased and I playfully slapped his arm while laughing softly. "Has no one told you not to tell a woman she looks bad? I can tell you, that won't go home with the ladies." I stated with a light chuckle and T-Dog shook is head with a smile. We sat in silence for a short time before I spoke again.

"So, where are the others?" I asked after noticing that Glenn, Daryl and Rick was nowhere to be seen as I looked around the camp once more. "Glenn and Daryl are out getting some wood to burn the dead and Rick left a while ago, didn't say what he was gonna do." T-Dog replied, both his and my mood dropping at the mention of the dead. I glanced over at the blonde woman by the RV yet again. She still hadn't moved, she just sat there staring at her sister. "That's Andrea." T-Dog began. He'd noticed how I was looking at her. "And that was her little sister, Amy. They had their ups and downs but..." T-Dog trailed off. I nodded in understanding.

Glenn and Daryl were soon back and the fire was now crackling a few feet away. A few of us were dragging the corpses of the undead into the fire while Daryl was stabbing them in the head an extra time with a pickaxe, just to make sure they were really dead this time. Even though I was helping them out Shane was still staring at me, his gaze burning on my skin. Suddenly Glenn's voice interrupted our silent work. "Our people go over there." He pointed to his left. I followed the direction with my eyes, piles of dirt visible behind the treeline. 

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