04 | more facts about covi

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04 | More Facts About Covi


Covi considers some of these as boasting:( ... Especially the first 3...

1. Although she likes nature photography she deems herself better at event photography.

2. She's met the president of the country she lives in. The vice president too and also the minister of finance (she thinks it was finance though. She doesn't really remember. But he was minister of something.)

3. Although she does photography for her parent's events, SHE IS NEVER PAID. Which she thinks sucks.

4. She likes neon colours

5. She thinks herself annoying.

6. She likes chocolate. Like is an understatement. She loves chocolate. She has so many pimples because of it.

7. Covi's mother went to uni at 15 and Covi knows she can never top that. (She proud of her mum)

8. She loves French but sometimes hates sitting in French lessons.

9. She loves traveling and hopes to visit Asia, Eurasia, the Middle east (I like how this are all part of the same continent... Lol) and Oceania/Australasia. (She obviously likes geography)

10. She's interested in careers in the field of maths, physics,ICT and business.

11. Mainly either accounting, Computer engineering, business managing or architecture

12. When she was five, she wanted to become a pilot.

13. She hates it when people think she is good at everything academically when really she's not.

14. She likes badminton and Running.

15. She fails at basketball.

16. She's 5'3 but taller than her mum. She hopes to be as tall as her dad tho. (He quite tall)

17. She thinks 2017 is being a bitch and killing too many people. Including people she knows.

18. Now she officially hates the year after leap year.

19. Juan can never study in a neat environment.

20. It is impossible for her to study during the day at home so she does it at night and falls asleep at 12 am and wakes up at 4 30 am. (She knows this is bad for her health and body and brain but she just can't help it)

P.S She thinks she has put too much info about herself in here.

That's all for now.



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