Chapter 1

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New Darkata; it's what we now call home. After the destruction of Darkata Prime and it's fleets; Blue Serenade needed another place to reform it's empire. We were fortunate to find an uninhabited world that fulfilled all our needs. It's been 100 years since the war with the Darkened and now the empire has been rebuilt. Stronger and with a more powerful presence than ever before; we're ready for anything. I awake today with the responsibility to announce the final touches to the capital city. It's something that I look forward to as we remember our fallen and dedicate the ceremony to someone special to all of us.

I roll over to find the spot next to me bare. My companion had awaken before me; most likely in anticipation of today's events. I look around the room to find her sitting in front of a mirror. I sit up and go to her. "My Empress; what troubles you this morning?" The empress and I had developed a personal relationship after the events of the war. She wanted me be her side and I felt the need to protect our leader and be with her at all times. It started as a mutual kinship that became much more. We fell in love and have been together for the past 80 years. Our relationship is only known to two others. My good friend, Fleet Admiral Kunata Tinaw and the priest Osteri. It would not be wise to announce our relationship to the people of the Empire.

I kissed Tanalia's neck softly and rest my face on hers. She smiled gently showing me she appreciated my support. I stood and she followed me to the balcony. She embraced me from behind and started to speak of today's ceremony. "Thank you for speaking today. It's very important to my people and more to me. You have been my guide through the last century and I don't know what I would have done without you. I miss him and today is harder than I thought it would be. Will you be okay?" I turned to face Tanalia and although she tried to hide it; I caught a tear streaming down her face. "My Empress; it's an honour to speak for you at the ceremony." I replied. "As hard as it is; the empire is complete and this is necessary. We are not only remembering those lost, we're making sure they're never forgotten. You are my love and I'll be here for you throughout the event." I kissed her and began to dress. My speech was just moments away.

I could hear the crowds already gathering below the courtyard of the palace. There were thousands of people of all species. I was nervous but not because of speaking. After the events of the war; the galaxy looked to me as a sort of god. The survivors of the final battle quickly spread word of my powers. That was enough to start rumours of me being an immortal being capable of destroying worlds. There are currently two factions that were created as a result. One faction worships me and the other believes me to be a threat. They are both dangerous and prohibited from joining in the ceremony. That hasn't stopped them before but I'm hoping there will not be an incident today. Today is too important.

I walked with the empress down to the courtyard where we would address the people. Halfway there we met with Admiral Tinaw. "Hello Serenade; Empress. I here to escort you both to the courtyard. We have made final security sweeps and have found everything to be safe." The empress trusted Kunata with her life and although I didn't need her protection; I was happy she was here. "Thank you admiral. Please continue." The Empress replied. We reached the courtyard and the crowds immediately began to cheer. Tanalia approached the balcony and began to speak with me behind her and Kunata at her side.

"Thank you all for being here on this momentous day. We are finally whole again and it's thanks to the hard work of everyone in the Empire. I want you all to please welcome a very special individual who made much of this possible. Come forward, Serenade." The empress turned to me with a smile and waved me forward. I took my place at the podium and began my speech.

"Love, it is everywhere. It is beautiful, compassionate, sorrowful and at times, vengeful. Hate, it is everywhere. It is sorrowful, vengeful and most of all, destructive. There cannot be love without hate; nor hate without love. They coexist in this universe and without one another, chaos would ensue. In the 100 years I have been here, I have seen what hate can do. Destroyer of worlds and bringer of darkness; the Darkened opened my eyes to hate. They would have you believe hate is more powerful than love; but they have not witnessed the power that love holds. You are all proof of what we can accomplish after so much loss. Together we will show the Darkened that their hatred is no match for us. If they return; they will be welcomed with vengeance; not from hate, but from love."The crowd cheered and I turned to smile at my two friends whom were both crying. I had one last task to complete before starting the ceremony.

"Below me you see a covered object. Guards; please reveal what is covered here." In the middle of the courtyard, a statue is revealed. "This is our saviour. One who deserves to be here with us all. I would not be here if not for him; nor would any of you. Below the statue are the names and places of all those lost in the war. His name is Sakras and he'll never be forgotten. A moment of silence for the lost will now be observed." Everyone and everything was quiet. It was very peaceful for a time."Enjoy the ceremony everyone." I turned and joined Tanalia and Kunata at the entrance to the courtyard. Tanalia looked at me and nodded in appreciation. "Thank you, Serenade. That was beautiful." I looked to Kunata and let her know she was no longer needed at this time. "Thank you, Kunata. We'll join you down in the courtyard soon. We have much to discuss." I lead Tanalia back to our room where we would spend some time together before rejoining the ceremony.An unexpected guest was waiting for us outside the room with information that would change everything.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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