0.0| Project Changeling

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a child surreptitiously or unintentionally substituted for another.

"Baby 0713 is subject for observation

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"Baby 0713 is subject for observation." The neonatal visitor, Dr. Bennett, places the newborn on the table, ignoring her screams as she examines the child. Dim lights reflect into the doctor's eyes, highlighting her lack of moral obligation to attend this observation. "Eyes, blue." She places her hands on the child's head. "Hair, light, possible of future color change because mother has darker hair." The frigid breeze threatens to steal her shallow breath away.

The standing officials in the next room write down these observed characteristics, filling in lines as they continue down the paper.

"Length, 19 inches. Mother is 5'9 and father is unknown."


Any child of unknown conception will not be placed under Project Changeling.

A bang on the adjacent window brings away the doctor's attention. "Yes, gentlemen?"

"We were not aware at the beginning of this procedure that this child was the product of an unknown conception. This construes with data and can further complicate the future if this child is subject for approval." His shining white teeth pierce through the window as he stares at the baby on the table.

Dr. Bennett steps in front of the child. "I understand your concern, however, she is one of few females born to this hospital in the last year. Her anatomy is completely perfect and her mother is of higher blood. This child should not be punished due to the actions of the mother."

Uncomprehending silence fills the atmosphere. The walls are an eerie shade of white, scraped after years of continually use. The air stuffy, as the undertone of bleach drifts through the ventilation system.

"Continue with the procedure."

The nurse picks the child from the steel table, and places her on a scale. "Weight, 6lbs and 9oz. Held to complete gestation, and arrived three days after the approximated due date."

The child is unwrapped from a pink blanket, and the doctor softly caresses her skin. "Skin, rosy pink with no abnormatlies present."

"Will the mother reveal the father's name?"

Dr Bennett tenses her muscles. "We were given no information. She refuses to talk on the subject." She attempts to ignore the official, wanting to continue with the procedure as planned. If successful, Bellevue Hospital would be credited for placing this child in the hands of the Government.

"Baby 0713 is the first child born to Ms. Boulton, who was the only female of four brothers born to the Boulton's. Under our care, she has received minimal drugs to assist the birth and is currently recuperating extraordinarily fast from the strains of delivery."

"Is Ms. Boulton under the assumption that if her daughter is approved by the Board, that she will be taken from her?"

The doctor shakes her head back and forth. "She knows not of the current procedures and observations. The hospital planned this meeting on its own accordance. We only wish to better the city, in turn, bettering the hospital."

"How old is Ms. Boulton?"

The newborn child begins to cry, ringing through the air as it pierces the ears of those staring at her. "19, sir. Barely a child herself. The decision should not be hers to make, her competence is highly questionable."

Silence, yet again, takes hold of the air.

"And the child's gifts, if any have been presented?" The most curious question, and most definitely the determining factor. "Dr. Bennett?" The man continues to stare at the Doctor, waiting for her untimely response.

She calculates the answer in her head, attempting to find the right words. "Her mother has no physical gift, but I believe her expertise lies in the mind. Mind gifts, sir, are directly inherited. Telepathy, telekinesis, manipulation of reality. It could be one or a combination of the gifts. Our hospital has only studied a few."

"Thank you, Dr. Bennett."

The Board officials turn in a circle, placing the written papers on tables around them. Each with a different opinion on the matter of Baby 0713's future. The Board being completely made up of bystanders, those who were pulled from the streets and asked to deem such cases without biased judgement from the Government.

"We have come to an unanimous agreement." The official from the beginning and the only one whom had asked questions during the process steps forward. A stack of papers is piled high in his arms. "The child will be placed under Project Changeling." He steps forward, and places all of the paperwork on the table beside Dr. Bennett. "The child must be seized immediately. We wish Ms. Boulton our condolenscenes and thank her for bringing such a perfect child into this world."

He reaches for the newborn. "This society has been in long need of child that can obtain such a wealthy bounty. She will be worth millions."

The doctor grabs the paperwork. "The hospital will be recompensed?"

"Governor Grey will take your words into consideration."

"I did not have to report my finding, sir. I expect a hefty reward for helping the Government, if not," Dr. Bennett searches the man's arms, staring at the newborn child, "the men standing outside of those doors will shoot you and this child will never see the light of day."

"An arrangement can me made, ma'am. Governor Grey will speak with you after the switch has be finalized."

As one single unit, the men in black exit in a wave out the door. The child's cries become a distant sound as Dr. Bennett stamps the correct date onto the signed paperwork. She was quite certain her job would be easier in the coming days, for her paycheck would be rising significantly from this trade with the Governor.

A child for money. Money for a child.

Ms. Boulton would later receive the news of her daughter's fate, having been in complete denial because she was certain her daughter did not fit the criteria. "She was an accident. Her father was not named!"

"The Board is certain she will thrive in the New World. Do not worry, Ms. Boulton. You will still receive a child, it will just not be your own." The doctor reaches for the mother's shaking hand. "Your daughter is helping this city from turmoil. You should be thankful for providing. Governor Grey will know and acknowledge your sacrifice."

"I had no intentions of allowing my daughter to undergo the observation procedure. Hence, the unidentified information to prevent her from entering the program."

"It's people like you, Ms. Boulton. The reason for the fall of our city. People are becoming selfish. It's take a village to raise a child. It take a child to save the village. I'm sure you can communicate with others who have experienced such a loss. You'll forget she existed, and be thankful for the child you are given in exchange."

Dr. Bennett attempts to leave the room. Ms. Boulton's eyes narrows with tears as the hopes of every seeing her newborn child slim by the second. "Tell me one thing before you leave."


"What was her percentage for a match?

The doctor glances down at the percentage number written in bold, black letters across the top page. "98.6%. It was almost perfect."

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