Attention Deficit

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Idol life isn't as glamorous as you think. We all see it as something that is always absolutely perfect and stays that way even off camera; trust me, idols have so many problems when the camera isn't on. If that isn't bad, nearly 100% of the time 'your' idols personality aren't nearly as interesting as they are depicted. Sometimes they'll be nothing like their fake persona. I wonder if all this talk is just me being pessimistic. I became an idol to make music that people can relate to and enjoy, not to just be another pretty face in the crowd of fake personalities.

My pondering state is disturbed by my fellow bandmate, Youngil, nagging at me to go tidy our dorm.

"Do you ever even listen? Sometimes I wonder if you have ADHD." She chuckled as she jokingly slapped my ass. I let out a slight smirk at the gesture and traipsed back to our dorm to tidy up the mess we left behind this morning.

My tired eyes glance over at the TV mounted on the wall that was showing a rerun of the recent MAMA; it was just a week ago. I was so glad to be back in Seoul, I had enough of being in Hong Kong. To be quite honest I really just want to go back home to Japan, but I have to stay in Seoul with my group- considering the fact that the majority of them are Korean themselves, the exceptions being me and Kumiko.

After doing the beds neatly and washing any plates that had been carelessly placed across our dorm, I made my way to the lounge and propped myself upon one of the sofas.

A few minutes of mindless Instagram scrolling passed by fairly quickly. Don't you ever think that it's odd that our minds become so occupied with something and completely forget the concept of time just for a little bit? It's always bugged me.

I wonder how obtuse I seem to others; I must seem asinine.

I was taken aback slightly when my phone went off suddenly since I was so consumed by my own thoughts. That seems to happen to me a lot.

The name displayed read as 'Namjoon'. It made me smile a little to see that he was calling me. We had known each other for a while and got along relatively well. However, there were certain people within his band that ticked me off a little- but that's a story for another time.

I was contemplating whether to answer or not because being frankly honest, I didn't feel like answering. In the end I gave in and pressed the green button.

He greeted me with a chirpy hello in a very polite manner.

"Sup Joon?" I replied casually, trying to keep my persona as real as possible.

"I just wanted to know how you were doing; you seemed a bit off at MAMA. Did something happen?"

I hesitated a little to answer because I was completely fine- It was just that I felt an impulse to lie.

"Erm... It's just uh, family stuff."

"Oh? Well I'm here if you ever need to talk to someone about it." He believed me so easily.

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to pester you like that. You probably have better stuff to do anyways." I let out a little chuckle at the end to show some sort of genuine emotion.

"Please don't think that! It wouldn't be pestering at all!" His platitudes were slightly offsetting. Perhaps they weren't even platitudes at all?

Our conversation dragged on for a while and we ended up stumbling upon numerous interesting topics. It took us at least an hour before ending the call.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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