~Chapter 3~

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Becoming used to living with the two skeletons wasn't something of an.. easy task. In fact, it wasn't that hard either, but that was a given since you came from where you had. Blatantly, this place was something of a more tolerable hell.

In your time here, you found that it wasn't too hard to become.. "one of the family." Well, you meant that in loose terms, your sleeping quarters were in a shed outside of the house, old, and run down, yet the door sturdy. Inside was a prison of sorts, the iron cold and scratches covering some parts.. even speckles of dried blood.

Of course, "Master" had seemed amused at your inspecting, asking if you were scared, that horrid glint in his eyes. Yet you had just shook your head as a simple no, slipping through the barely wide enough bars to inspect further.

You'd found some.. interesting things there. At least, they had supplied a bed to you as well. Made of what, you weren't sure, and didn't think you'd care to.

"HUMAN!" The shrieking voice of Horror Papyrus snapped you from your recollections, looking up to the too tall skeleton.

Today was a curious day, unlike most; you had been allowed in the kitchen. You hadn't seen Horror since last night, and had you ready for some sort of trap.. even if this tall monster seemed to be mostly innocent.

"DID I SCARE YOU? SORRY- YOU SEEMED DEAD TO THE WORLD AGAIN- AND I NEED YOUR HELP THIS TIME!" His jagged teeth formed into a sort of grin, giddy and grotesque, beady eyes having a shine to them.

You watched him silently for awhile, your guarded gaze meeting his anticipating one. It took a bit for his words to exactly sink in- Given that every day before this you'd be shooed from the screams from the kitchen, and now you're being expected to help /make/ dinner?

"What do you.."

"Heh, Paps means exactly as he says. Or is yer mind not sharp enough ta pick up the meanin'?"

The sudden deep, somewhat mocking tone and hand on your shoulder wasn't much of a surprise, but it did cause you to tense in preparation for some kind of attack.


Was this the trap? Perhaps the domestic setting they had been trying to set was foreplay to finally finishing you off. But just as you were preparing yourself for a fight, the hand on your shoulder tightened; a warning sign, Horror having his good eye socket narrowed at you.

"Easy, easy. Yer not becomin' dinner yet, ya will be if you can't catch nothin. Show your worth, ya live, Easy."

He shrugged as if he weren't threatening to kill you, a somewhat easiness to his grin; It was more unsettling than his usual one.


Horror seemed disgruntled by this, but didn't argue with his brother, though his grin becoming a bit strained.

"Sure will Pap. If they can't kill'ehm I will, won't let ya starve."

You believed his words, if only because of the overprotective nature he'd showed towards the taller skeleton every other time.


It turns out that the skeleton brothers' hunting grounds were the town they resided in. Honestly, that didn't shock you as much as it should have. Given the whispers you'd heard of a barrier.. You didn't think they could feast on humans often.

You found that there were a little less of the monsters cowering around, or more like, they were better hidden. Without a trained eye,  they would have been practically invisible. Yet with the training you'd been given, it wasn't hard to spot the creatures.

"A'ight. Find somethin'. I'll 'help' if ya fuck up, but it'll cost ya."

Horror's tone was gruff and a little grumpy, you figured he'd rather not be here.


".... ? "

You stared at his always handy blade, hoping he got the hint, and eventually-- It seemed he did, smirking with a nasty look.

"Heh, ya ain't gettin' no weapon bitch. Paps likes his ingredients a l i v e."

You bit your tongue on asking if that'd apply to you to, instead opting to begin with the hunt.

Since you weren't given a weapon and had to keep it alive, it was best to go with the one that looked the easiest to handle- Which would seem to be the one huddled against a deadened looking pine tree, back turned to you.

Your steps were light, barely making a sound in the snow that littered the ground as you crept closer to the smaller monster. However, the closer to got, the more the tiny monster seemed to tense, and start to shake.

Not about to let it get away, when you were within the distance, you bolted forward and lunged, grabbing ahold of the slim body. Of course, this caused it to panic, thrashing around as the spikes along it's back scratched at your arm.

You ignored that pain, slowly starting to get up and your prize close your chest-

Big mistake.

Razor sharp, pin prick like teeth dug into your shoulder. The suddenness of it actually caused you to freeze, acutely aware of the deep, cruel laughing in the background as you were fighting your instincts to /kill/.

They almost won over, the monster's grip on your shoulder slackening with your hands wrapped around throat. Though after realizing it loosened, you quickly let go, Horror's words repeating in your thoughts as you walked back over to him, laughter echoing through the air and mingling with your thoughts.

'Heh.. Paps likes his prey /alive/.'

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