Why Me? (Magcon Fanfic)

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"Hurry up Cali!" My best friend Anna called from down stairs.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" I sassed back.

You see my best friend Anna is in love with these boys called Magcon? I think that's what they are called? Anyways! Today we are going to one of those things. Well more like she is forcing me. If you haven't notice I don't really like them. More less know what Magcon even means! I owe Anna though cause she... well it's a long story. I have to go though and I'm not excited at all.

"Cali if you don't hurry I'm gonna throw your vans in the mud!"

"YOU WOULDN'T!" I screamed snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yes I would!" she mocked.

I quickly jumped of my bed and thew on my Ramones tank top and a pair of ripped jeans I found on my floor. I then slapped on my usual make up that contains liquid eye liner on my top lid and mascara, not much. My hair was still straight from last night when I straighten it. I thought I looked alright enough to where Anna wouldn't yell at me for being lazy. I then ran down stairs to grab my black vans from Anna before she ruined my favorite shoes.

Anna was sitting at the kitchen island with my shoes in her hand. I ran up to her and put on my shoes quickly.

"Is that what your wearing!?"

"Uh yes it is."

"Cali your gonna meet my future husband today and your looking like you don't care! You might as well put your pajamas back on for crying out loud!"

"Okay sound good to me and by the way I don't care!" I said while turning to go back up stairs to put my pajamas back on.

" No we don't have time! what you got on is what your gonna wear."

"Yes mommy I said while walking to Anna's car."

"Shut the hell up mrs. sassy pants!" Anna giggled.

The car ride was filled of annoying modern hip hop. Clearly Anna chose the music. But when we pulled into the parking lot I felt like crying because I had to waste a day on this stupid shit. I fill bad though because I have a VIP pass and ticket and I don't even like these people! but then I think of all the girls who would kill to have it.

When Anna parked the car all I could think was. What did I get myself into.



I hope you liked it!!

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