April Fools Special

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Hello Readers,

This is a special not anything along the main plot. To be truthful it might just be some rather weird ramblings that came from my overworked mind and spell checked by the ever amazing, also overworked, mind of Fluffy.

We are doing the final touches to chapter 6 as I post this and should be able to post it soon until then enjoy this weird April fools chapter.


(Outside p.o.v)

"You've had almost all the exorcists request tomorrow off?" Rin asked Lilith, stunned. She had called the cram class students, Kai, Melvin, Yukio and Shura to the office at 11pm on the 31st of March. She had called them so late because Mephisto had just fallen asleep and she didn't want him knowing about this.

"It isn't surprising. Apparently, Lord Pheles enjoys April fool's day too much." Yukio states, basically explaining why almost all the branch wanted to be away from the office tomorrow.

"He was once known as Loki... it isn't shocking that he likes tricking people. Lilith, I'm guessing since you called us here so late that you have some plan?" Lilith smirks at Kai's comments.

"Of course! Now, this is what we are gonna do..."

(Mephisto's p.o.v)

I sit up and rub my eyes tiredly. I look to see the clock reads 7 am. I must have really needed sleep or something since I've slept 8 hours. I look around and can't find Lilith in the bed beside me. I feel her half of the bed, which is still warm. She must have woken up just a few moments ago.

"Mephy! I bought you breakfast in bed!" I look up to see Lilith holding a tray; which had pancakes and a pot of tea. I blinked, confused, noticing she is wearing an adorable pink dress with a pink ribbon in her hair.  "Stop staring at me." I gulp as she blushes and quickly walks around the bed so she can place the tray on my bedside table. She leans down and kisses me. Maybe I should sleep longer more often. This is a nice way to wake up actually. "Good morning Mephy"

"Yes, good morning indeed. What have I done to be treated like this?" She blinked at me and tilted her head cutely. "Oh, come now my dear, I know I don't sleep in often but you don't usually bring me breakfast in bed." She looks at me puzzled. She puts her hand on my forehead. "Huh?"

"You don't seem to be running a fever."

"What gave you the impression I was?"

"I bring you tea and pancakes every morning." I blinked, confused. "Maybe I should call the others? Are you sure you're feeling okay, my love?" I went to speak but the doorbell rings. "Oh, I better get that... why don't you drink your tea and have something to eat? You might feel better after." She kisses my forehead once more before darting out. I better eat these before they get cold, I suppose.

As I take a bite of one of the pancakes, my mouth explodes with the sweetness of them. I blinked and licked my lips. These are not my diet ones that she forces me to eat... they are full sugar and covered in golden syrup. I quickly put the plate down and drink the cup of tea she made for me, stunned to find again she hasn't cut down my sugar. It's the amount I use to put in before she forced me on the diet.

"What the?" Something is wrong. Lilith would never just randomly give up my diet. She would also never dress like that willingly.

"Just someone asking where the nearest church is. Huh? Mephy Is everything okay?" I look at her she pouted as she walked over. "Did the pancakes and tea not help?"

"No, but..." I then hum. I need to know something. "My dear, what day is it today?"

"March 31st"

So it's not April Fool's then. So, If she is trying to trick me to buy something then she will have to work harder than this. "Come here..." I smirk as she does looking confused. I pull her into my lap causing her to squeak. I gently hold her chins and kiss her deeply; my tail slipping from under the blankets to wrap around her thigh. Before I could get into it I am hit over the head, most likely with the Mephy bat, and she pulls away from me. I blinked confused then noticed her horrified look. "Ow, what was that for?"

"M-mephy" I blinked, seeing her beautiful eyes before tearful as she hugged herself. "W-what has gotten into you?" I opened my mouth to speak but her eyes turned angry. "You promised you wouldn't try anything more than kisses and hugs after our wedding night!" what! I never promised that!

"What has gotten into me? What has gotten into you, Lilith!? We have done all sorts of things since our wedding night. If you're saying that stuff was wrong then you're a hypocrite!" I folded my arms and glared at her. How dare she! What has gotten into her? She is acting very strange today and I'm not going to just play along. I want my normal wife back.

"What are you talking about...? We haven't done anything like that since that one time on our wedding night. Mephisto something is really wrong. You're never like this. You respect the fact I don't want to do anything more than hug and kiss usually, so why change all of a sudden?" What? How can she say something it wrong with me! Well unlike her, I can prove she's lying. I actually have a video of when she seduced me to get me to sleep not long ago.

"My dear, I can prove we have." I snap my fingers transporting the both of us to the living room. I insert the dvd and blush as I sit beside her watching it. I know she will get angry at me for having this but I am not going to fall for any tricks of hers. I look to her hoping to see her reaction as she figures out her plan failed and she wasn't getting whatever she wanted but froze. Her face was blank and she looked to me confused.

"Mephy, this dvd is blank" I blinked and looked to the screen that clearly showed the cctv of us doing questionable things on the table. Is she playing? Her acting skills are good if she is.

"Well then if it's blank, you won't mind if I show it to Kai and the others." I smirk, knowing she would never allow me to show something like this to Kai. I've got her.

"Sure, go ahead, but I'm telling you Mephy the dvd is blank. If you're having sinful thoughts again, maybe you should contact Maddy to do a confession." Okay so that plan failed, but I'm going to follow through with ... wait did she just tell me to go to a confession with Maddy?! Okay, something is wrong. Maybe calling Kai here will help. He might be able to get her to stop playing games.

It was half an hour later that Kai showed up. Lilith had taken to dusting while she waited. I sighed, thankful to see Kai.

"Kai, Nephew I was-" I froze as behind him walked in Maddy dressed as a nun. She smiled at me brightly. What the hell? Everyone knows that Maddy is a Succubus!

"You said you wanted to show us something? Lilith texted saying she was worried about you."

"She said you were having sinful thoughts. I will have to clean you again to prevent your demonic actions if that is the case." Okay, who is this and what have they done with Maddy/Melvin? I sigh. Maybe they are in on it too. No matter. Lilith will either prevent me from showing the dvd to them or they will freak out seeing what is on it. After they take a seat I stand beside the tv and press play. Lilith doesn't stop me and I watch Kai and Maddy, waiting for their reactions. I just got blank faces.

"It's blank, Mephisto... are you sure you're okay?" What? No it isn't blank! I quickly look to the screen and try every button on the remote to get it to play but nothing came up. The dvd was blank. How is that possible? Lilith couldn't have switched it; I was watching her the whole time.

"Lilith, maybe we should have him rest some more. If he is still like this later, I can help him so he doesn't have those negative thoughts again." I look round quickly. There was no way in hell I was letting Maddy do anything to me.

"I'll go lie down... it's fine..." I quickly leave the room. I spent hours turning the bed room upside down trying to find any other proof. She must have missed something. I'm not crazy. "There is no way that all those wonderful moments were just dreams." I told myself.

By nightfall, I couldn't actually prove anything. I knew they have to be real moments. I felt them. I curled up on the bed, miserable. I had avoided Lilith all day. This had to be a dream or something. Lilith isn't like this. I hear a soft knock on the door.

"You don't like it, do you?" I look up to see Lilith dressed normally in the door way. "you really almost caught me with that dvd. You pervert, I can't believe you actually filmed that."

"You... You tricked me!"

"You caused almost all the exorcists to request today off. They only came in because I promised to distract you." I blinked, confused and she got her phone out showing me the date and time. 11:55 pm April 1st. My eyes widened. "April fool's, Mephy, you're also not getting anything for a month and I'm burning this dvd." She holds up the dvd that had written on it 'living room cctv disk 7'. She had the dvd. She swapped it. It was a blank one. but how?

"Lilith, that wasn't funny!"

"Wasn't meant to be. It was meant to teach you a lesson."

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