Chapter 8

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the song is

She looks so perfect by the boys

shall I make this a new thing? adding songs to chapters?


*Marcaleine's POV*

I picked up a piece of the pizza and slid onto the counter making sure my knickers were hidden by Cal's over sized jumper.

"What do you want" I didn't like Ashton much, something didn't seem right about him.

"Just to chat" he said smirking. I got this weird feeling in my stomach, they felt almost like nerves. I felt him walk over and place a hand on the outer side of each of my thighs. This felt familiar; like Aiden's cold yet tingling touch. I felt him lean closer. I felt his cold hands touch my jawline and lift my head up and I felt our lips connect.

"I don't think I like Alicia" he whispered as he pulled away. I shook my head and then without thinking I kissed him again only to pull back minutes later.

"Our little secret"i whispered.

"Our little secret" he repeated before he walked upstairs,  leaving me to stare after his figure. is that why he gave me an uneasy feeling? Because I found him attractive?  Maybe I just wouldn't admit it to him because of Aiden. oh yeah, Aiden, I need to break up with him soon.  my thoughts were interrupted by Alicia walking in to get a drink.

"Go to sleep, we're going dress shopping tomorrow so we can go to your nan's for dinner." and she walked off. 

when I woke up in the morning I could smell cooking, or a more accurate word, burning. I rushed downstairs to find everyone in the kitchen running round.



"it's by the counter guys" I said as I walked past and grabbed someone's unburnt toast from the side. I slid onto the kitchen counter and watched everyone gradually calm down and finish making their breakfasts.

As i left the room i heard the pitter patter of someone's feet following behind me but i ignored it. i was going shopping with Alicia and needed to get ready. Then i felt a large hand grab my wrist as i reached the top of the stairs.

"good morning Marcaleine."

"ashton"i replied, nodding my head slightly. without hesitation he crashed his lips against mine, and without hesitation, i copied his actions.

"We shall talk later" he smiled as he turned his body from me and entered the boys' room. I stood bewildered, wondering what the kiss meant. I got ready myself by putting on my usual makeup and putting my hair in the same style. then I put on a grey singlet with a pair of black high waisted shorts as well as over the knee socks and black converse. I ran down the stairs with my bag in hand bumping into Gerran

"sorry Gez"

"its cool. where you off to?"

"me and Alicia are going dress shopping because I have to go to dinner at my nans in two weeks." I gave an  exasperated sigh but then an idea came to mind. "hey would you like to come?  its basically pretending your fancy and high class for a night,  its fun but my nan can bore you easily"

"sounds great, I'll find some appropriate clothing" he waved goodbye and left the house.

"yo boys!" i yelled.

"loungee" i heard the reply and i slid in and asked them along to the dinner too, all agreeing that it would be fun. Then I ran to Alicia's car so we could drive to the shopping centre.

"come on Li were not going to find any dresses! We're literally in a different city looking for one now because 'there were no cute ones in the shopping centre' and i'm hungry" I moaned as she dragged me through yet another store, only this one I had never heard of so I guess it was some kind of unique boutique type of shop.

"why didn't we bring the boys. they'd take me to get food. or they'd bring me food. Or they'd be nice and kidnap me" I said as she flicked through a clothong rail, the woman behind the counter carefully watching us.

"I think you'll disagree that we wont find dresses. here, go try this on ( ) just your style. it will hide your wrists from your nan and it looks girly, sophisticated, and even has a dark lace on it." I smiled at her choice but looked up to see her already looking for a dress for herself.

"any idea what your going to wear?"

"I was thinking this maybe? ( )"

"lets try them on then" and we did. as we stepped out of the surprisingly large cubicles we looked in the floor length mirror whilst linking arms and I smiled. I felt...happy and I couldn't help but think one thing in my mind.

"Will Ashton like it?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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