Chapter 7

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IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE!!! I hope you all enjoy this chapter(;



"Oh god please. Please Axel." I cried out.

"Please what, my love? What do you want me to do? Hmmm?"

"I want you to touch me. I want you to punish me."

"What was that baby? What do you want me to do? Spank your cunt? Is that what you want?"

"Yes. Oh god yes. Please. Please."

I cried out as his hand came down onto my bare pussy.


"OH GOD.... One......"

I kept crying out as his hand came in contact with my clit.

It hurt, but it was a nice hurt. One that stimulated my senses to the farthest extent.

It was irrational that I loved his punishment so much.

"....10!....." I yelled out. If felt so amazing. I needed to come so badly.

My legs were trembling.

"Ask me to eat your sweet pussy baby."

"Oh god. Please please please make me cum," I cried out.

Axel got down on his knees in front of my pussy. He blew lightly on it.

I arched up, in my mind I was begging him to eat me.

"Beg. Beg me, sweetheart."

"Please please please. I need you."

His catlike tongue swept over my saturated pussy lips.

At this point I couldn't even form a coherent thought in my mind.

His harsh movements against my clit had me almost falling over the edge of ecstasy.

When his mouth latched onto my clit, that was my ultimate undoing.

My hips jerked up and I cried out loudly.

His tongue continued to explore my sensitive pussy.

I was totally and completely oblivious to everything else, except for his talented tongue.

I was exhausted, he had finished cleaning my pussy up and had pulled me into his arms. I laid curled into him.

I was thinking about everything that has just happened and shame washed over me.

I barely knew this man but he had taken me to heaven and back.

My parents would be so ashamed of me. I felt harsh tears burning my eyes, they spilled down my cheeks.

Ryker seemed to notice this, his wolf had given him his body back as it seemed.

"My love, why are you crying? Please don't cry. I can't stand it."

"I'm such a slut. I don't even know you but I let you touch me," I sobbed out.

He wiped the tears away and lightly kissed my cheek.

"Shhh, sweetheart. It's ok. You're not a slut. I love you. And I'm sorry for pushing you. Shhh."

I sobbed for a while before I was too exhausted to do anything.

I thought back to how amazing he had made me feel. It was like no other pleasure I had felt.

It was as if I had been struck, something dawned on me. Him touching me had no effect: I didn't have harsh memories about the bastard I use to call a boyfriend hurting me like he did. I hadn't even thought of him at all.

Ryker was like my wall against those memories.

Maybe I can give him a chance, or will he just turn out to be like Shaun?


Ahh I know I'm a terrible person!!!!! I have been soooooooo busy!!!! I'm sooooo sorry. Hope you guys like?(:

Randooommmmm fact: A snail can have 25,000 teeth.


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