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Before you do anything or read between the lines, please keep an open mind. And just listen.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was jealous of your friendships, and insecure, and a dick to you last night. None of this was your fault. I didn't mean anything I said last night, at all. I may not know what love is, but I'm pretty sure we have something pretty fucking close to it. I know you'll disagree, but aren't relationships supposed to have up and downs and mistakes? Yeah I fucked up. I shouldn't have even threatened to break up with you. I really, really, really like you. I do, and I don't want me being an asshole to ruin this. And Camila is not my girlfriend. We are good friends, but not dating. I like you, only you. And I miss you. And I will wait as long as I can to earn your trust back. Because, I- I fucked up. Just. Please please please forgive me and at least talk to me. And listen. I fucking adore you. I cried last night, because of my mistake and I can't even imagine how you feel. I adore you.

I'm sorry.

~ shawn.


BioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora