chapter one

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"...And although we don't know their names, we do know one thing. These three heroes are hellbent on our city's safety." The news reporter said, shining a white smile. "Now on to more political matters, Leland Carson is leading in the polls for the Presidential Election, with Karly Santino in second place..." The television droned on with the reporter talking about more details on the election and moving on to the weather and the Scribo murders.

   Bruce hummed as he prepared a pot of coffee for him and his friend, Ciro, who was currently crashing at his place. Ciro, better known as CC, was staying with the brunet until he saved up enough money to buy his own apartment. Bruce kinda found it funny how even though his father was The billionaire playboy Noah Erik Cardozo De Witt, founder of iPlot or Dreams(TM), CC always insisted that he was better off without his father's 'Filthy' money. So, until he got enough money, he slept on Bruce's couch. The brunet let out a small chuckle thinking about it as he poured the coffee into two cups, one being purple and the other being black.

"...The local Christian church in Birchland paid their respects to those taken by the mysterious creature and their mourning families. The Scribo have taken the lives of many and caused survivors of their attacks to loose their sanity and, in most cases, their will to live. Government Officials only tell us to lock our doors and stay out of the streets when the sun starts to set."  The reporter said, her lovely white smile fading as she got more serious.

  "...Robbery in progress at the New Dolor National Bank, they've got hostages. We're gonna need backup." The police radio rattled out, static crackling in between words.  Bruce blinked as he felt a strong gust of wind pass by him. He looked over to where the black cup of coffee was located not long ago and let out a sigh. It was gone. "I don't understand why he can't just speed-drink the coffee instead of taking it with him. I mean, he can do that, can't he?" He asked no one in particular but himself, sitting on his counter and taking a sip of his own coffee.

*perspective alteration*

   Everyone was forced onto the floor by the ski-mask-wearing robbers. Most were shaking, crying, or begging for their lives to be spared. Amongst the frightened hostages was a hooded and surprisingly calm man. This man's name is Ignacy, remember it because this pyromaniac is important to the storyline. Ignacy is an M2819 with his abilities revolving around his pyrokinesis. He was also one of the three vigilantes, his name was Kudrerojn, or Kudre, for short.

  Kudre stood up and was confronted by one of the armed robbers, a shotgun pointed at his hooded features. "Oi! Get down or get put down." He snarled, clicking the safety off to show he was serious. The pyromaniac just grinned and dispersed into smoke, leaving the robber confused as he lowered his gun and the sprinklers turned on. "Who the hell started smokin'?" One of the thieves with a hockey mask asked, angry about getting soaked. He turned to look at the robber that previously confronted Kudre, who just stood there, eyes wide and mouth open. "Ey, Jerry, stop droolin' and get yer head in the game." The hockey masked man hissed, stepping closer to 'Jerry'. Once he got closer, he saw smoke come out of his friend's mouth and turned to run. He ran until he went into a closet and locked the door. He pulled out a phone and called his boss. "Hey boss, ya neva' said anythin' 'bout those wanna-be 'superhero' wackos being part of the job." He complained with a racing heart. "Must've slipped my mind," The boss, an Italian mobster named Vincent Idoni, replied with indifference. "But-" The hockey mask-wearing robber began to protest but was cut off by the annoyed mobster. "Shut up and get your ass back to work, that money ain't gonna steal itself." Vince snarled through the phone before hanging up.  By the time the call had ended, the door was burnt down and turned into ashes on the ground, with a pyromaniac on the other side of the doorway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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